
Genre: mexican hip hop

Play genre

Mexican hip hop is a genre that combines traditional Mexican music with modern hip hop beats and lyrics. It often features socially conscious themes and political commentary, as well as references to Mexican culture and history. The music is characterized by its use of Spanish language lyrics, heavy basslines, and catchy hooks. It has gained popularity in recent years, with a growing number of artists emerging from the Mexican hip hop scene. (AI Generated)

Most popular mexican hip hop artists

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Parent Genre: Hip Hop

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Instruments used

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Drum Machine, Keyboard/Piano, Sampler, Turntables, Horn Section, Percussion, Keyboard

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Mexican Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2095
2024 211
2023 549
2022 465
2021 437
2020 433
2010s 1090
2019 341
2018 254
2017 173
2016 95
2015 61
2014 49
2013 37
2012 29
2011 17
2010 34
2000s 123
2009 15
2008 17
2007 12
2006 15
2005 18
2004 16
2003 15
2002 8
2001 6
2000 1
1990s 11
1999 5
1998 2
1997 4
3319 releases

Popular mexican hip hop Songs

Top New mexican hip hop Songs of 2024

mexican hip hop music by decade

Explore mexican hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of mexican hip hop artists

Here is a list of mexican hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the mexican hip hop genre. You can find out what mexican hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 74 5837860
2 76 5504642
3 76 17837077
4 75 7283818
5 65 2357922
6 67 2969869
7 73 2808713
8 73 9710648
9 71 2944401
10 69 3379615
11 68 1806981
12 67 2470682
13 67 1670470
14 67 2790698
15 62 499077
16 65 1635818
17 58 1453980
18 56 40414
19 59 75028
20 61 405802
21 61 689803
22 60 1059172
23 60 1562304
24 59 296026
25 59 664109
26 58 156551
27 58 257151
28 58 1914615
29 58 321828
30 57 1284264
31 57 719906
32 56 179718
33 55 308692
34 51 192309
35 55 654239
36 54 211879
37 53 1043876
38 53 375942
39 51 496867
40 53 92463
41 52 746459
42 52 427457
43 52 252459
44 51 647370
45 51 996149
46 51 53035
47 51 161369
48 51 245820
49 49 347777
50 49 72656
51 49 24562
52 49 48772
53 48 204660
54 48 128603
55 73 3871012
56 68 1032538
57 65 246874
58 54 71449
59 63 954218
60 59 299162
61 63 284292
62 55 7758
63 60 1472147
64 57 141915
65 58 148953
66 57 313649
67 56 181987
68 51 53097
69 57 978185
70 56 218696
71 57 16960
72 56 3142
73 52 42609
74 53 448578
75 53 326651
76 54 23721
77 52 173568
78 53 59617
79 53 291889
80 52 177450
81 52 107898
82 52 409698
83 52 150828
84 50 23679
85 52 138600
86 52 71333
87 51 200756
88 49 65197
89 51 26362
90 51 692431
91 50 13787
92 50 197687
93 50 22429
94 50 645172
95 49 232323
96 49 68104
97 49 60925
98 49 13041
99 49 70135
100 48 77850

mexican hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular mexican hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.