
Genre: minneapolis indie

Play genre

Minneapolis indie music is a genre that blends elements of alternative rock, folk, and pop to create a unique sound that is both introspective and upbeat. The music often features catchy melodies, thoughtful lyrics, and a strong emphasis on instrumentation. This genre is known for producing talented musicians who are able to capture the essence of the city's vibrant music scene.

Most popular minneapolis indie artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Minneapolis Indie genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 275
2024 31
2023 69
2022 51
2021 64
2020 60
2010s 220
2019 56
2018 74
2017 25
2016 17
2015 13
2014 12
2013 9
2012 7
2011 4
2010 3
2000s 17
2009 5
2008 2
2007 2
2006 1
2004 1
2003 1
2002 2
2001 3
1990s 4
1997 1
1996 1
1995 1
1992 1
1980s 1
1984 1
517 releases

Popular minneapolis indie Songs

Top New minneapolis indie Songs of 2024

minneapolis indie music by decade

Explore minneapolis indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of minneapolis indie artists

Here is a list of minneapolis indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the minneapolis indie genre. You can find out what minneapolis indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 46 73757
2 44 82732
3 41 16055
4 41 46546
5 40 105223
6 40 63923
7 39 18411
8 38 45734
9 37 52127
10 35 26946
11 34 28997
12 32 14490
13 33 15973
14 33 40237
15 33 26247
16 27 15225
17 27 7602
18 27 26814
19 26 3110
20 26 15819
21 26 17914
22 25 26648
23 25 5797
24 22 9715
25 22 7237
26 22 5188
27 22 5611
28 22 3557
29 21 5117
30 21 3344
31 20 3575
32 18 11667
33 18 3396
34 19 6191
35 19 6378
36 19 4423
37 18 7549
38 18 2686
39 18 3022
40 18 9741
41 17 2202
42 16 2034
43 15 3103
44 14 663
45 13 35
46 13 3263
47 12 2575
48 12 8567
49 12 2619
50 12 353
51 11 209
52 11 1535
53 11 880
54 11 1523
55 10 2269
56 10 3565
57 10 2333
58 9 700
59 9 2541
60 8 1582
61 8 645
62 8 987
63 8 1159
64 8 656
65 8 1956
66 8 618
67 7 1586
68 7 907
69 7 1023
70 7 972
71 7 3151
72 6 639
73 6 464
74 6 1104
75 6 1485
76 6 396
77 6 1783
78 5 942
79 5 1144
80 5 1478
81 5 326
82 5 801
83 4 1918
84 3 466
85 4 716
86 4 961
87 4 562
88 3 428
89 4 592
90 3 158
91 3 239
92 3 683
93 3 306
94 3 957
95 3 656
96 3 595
97 3 1236
98 2 801
99 2 281
100 2 875

minneapolis indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular minneapolis indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.