
Genre: modern free jazz

Play genre

Modern free jazz music is characterized by its improvisational nature and rejection of traditional musical structures. It often incorporates elements of avant-garde, experimental, and even classical music. This genre is known for its use of unconventional instruments and techniques, as well as its emphasis on individual expression and collaboration. The musicians in this style are known for their technical virtuosity and ability to push the boundaries of what is considered "music".

Most popular modern free jazz artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Modern Free Jazz genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 25
2024 3
2023 8
2022 8
2020 6
2010s 17
2019 2
2018 3
2017 4
2015 5
2013 3
2000s 6
2009 1
2008 1
2007 1
2003 1
2002 1
2001 1
1990s 1
1991 1
1980s 1
1986 1
50 releases

Popular modern free jazz Songs

Top New modern free jazz Songs of 2024

modern free jazz music by decade

Explore modern free jazz history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of modern free jazz artists

Here is a list of modern free jazz artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the modern free jazz genre. You can find out what modern free jazz genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 18 760
2 18 5701
3 14 1684
4 13 1909
5 20 1156
6 16 2324
7 6 2805
8 8 5247
9 8 2385
10 11 2188
11 11 3379
12 11 2771
13 8 473
14 7 98
15 6 1203
16 5 1904
17 3 726
18 4 495
19 2 622
20 2 1813
21 2 419
22 2 430
23 2 1578
24 26 8080
25 25 3925
26 21 2350
27 10 1937
28 5 1993
29 3 2440
30 2 1897
31 20 887
32 19 5433
33 9 2388
34 16 1694
35 15 2027
36 14 1246
37 13 4636
38 13 1993
39 12 4688
40 12 5349
41 8 552
42 8 1011
43 9 1036
44 8 2161
45 7 1551
46 7 601
47 7 1437
48 7 1200
49 6 742
50 6 1550
51 6 511
52 5 979
53 4 755
54 4 715
55 4 132
56 4 348
57 3 756
58 3 283
59 3 950
60 2 825
61 2 499
62 1 1058
63 2 621
64 1 990
65 1 319
66 1 223
67 1 662
68 1 336
69 1 529
70 1 564
71 1 1548
72 1 865
73 1 251
74 1 602
75 1 101
76 1 197
77 1 343
78 1 521

modern free jazz playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular modern free jazz music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.