
Genre: modern rock

Play genre

Modern rock music is a genre that blends elements of alternative rock, indie rock, and pop rock. It features catchy melodies, powerful vocals, and driving guitar riffs. The lyrics often touch on themes of personal struggle, societal issues, and relationships. The sound is characterized by a mix of electronic and traditional instruments, with a focus on creating a dynamic and energetic sound. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many bands achieving mainstream success and a dedicated fanbase.

Most popular modern rock artists

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Parent Genre: rock

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Instruments used

Piano, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Drum Machine, Sampler, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, Sequencer, Bass Synthesizer, Turntables, Horn Section

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Modern Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1824
2024 320
2023 457
2022 399
2021 341
2020 307
2010s 2253
2019 285
2018 287
2017 273
2016 212
2015 212
2014 229
2013 243
2012 190
2011 161
2010 161
2000s 1099
2009 214
2008 166
2007 175
2006 136
2005 120
2004 112
2003 50
2002 55
2001 47
2000 24
1990s 60
1999 17
1998 9
1997 12
1996 7
1995 6
1994 5
1992 2
1991 2
1970s 1
1973 1
5237 releases

Popular modern rock Songs

Top New modern rock Songs of 2024

modern rock music by decade

Explore modern rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of modern rock artists

Here is a list of modern rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the modern rock genre. You can find out what modern rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 74 4039823
2 65 2316754
3 69 1608146
4 71 3315248
5 75 3209834
6 64 1741394
7 64 1541256
8 62 1364638
9 78 12058586
10 77 7377207
11 63 1421158
12 70 2707662
13 76 3876132
14 75 3845678
15 78 5899725
16 74 3965130
17 71 3344689
18 79 8929571
19 79 7497890
20 87 26844165
21 80 8535264
22 84 24708226
23 76 3844994
24 64 1650376
25 77 7968000
26 70 2453328
27 68 1344366
28 62 1151572
29 65 1166634
30 71 3593755
31 64 1490942
32 68 1979948
33 79 8804373
34 65 1382258
35 68 1459785
36 63 1191204
37 83 15544665
38 67 1614357
39 64 1199323
40 89 54829785
41 61 1016285
42 63 2076457
43 80 10894381
44 71 2432202
45 67 1634354
46 68 2691338
47 68 941672
48 81 5920362
49 81 8205598
50 69 2574493
51 60 887842
52 72 2131538
53 81 12216948
54 86 18122985
55 78 5469257
56 63 1817355
57 67 2620644
58 78 4298093
59 87 7921448
60 72 2748011
61 60 717496
62 68 1941449
63 67 1290707
64 64 723522
65 62 398431
66 70 3665828
67 66 1233025
68 71 3059358
69 64 1269299
70 80 5504019
71 63 955761
72 72 3030896
73 67 1109076
74 79 3686365
75 73 6441610
76 69 717661
77 67 1221082
78 78 6856551
79 62 724938
80 71 3060582
81 68 2394223
82 65 614637
83 75 3190583
84 62 1071454
85 69 766663
86 75 5567975
87 69 3525412
88 77 3171030
89 70 3564895
90 69 3074030
91 61 641019
92 65 1572318
93 74 1974888
94 61 861189
95 71 2044247
96 68 928199
97 70 251046
98 64 1593608
99 67 915968
100 61 460830

modern rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular modern rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.