
Genre: modular synth

Play genre

Modular synth music is a genre that utilizes electronic instruments that are built from individual modules that can be connected and reconfigured in various ways. The resulting sound is often experimental, with a focus on complex textures and evolving patterns. This genre often incorporates elements of ambient, techno, and experimental music, and can range from atmospheric and meditative to energetic and danceable.

Most popular modular synth artists

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Parent Genre: new age

Related genres

Instruments used

Synthesizer, Vocals

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Modular Synth genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 264
2024 29
2023 72
2022 48
2021 48
2020 67
2010s 198
2019 63
2018 46
2017 32
2016 21
2015 9
2014 8
2013 10
2012 3
2011 2
2010 4
2000s 25
2009 5
2008 2
2006 3
2005 3
2004 3
2003 3
2002 2
2001 3
2000 1
1990s 11
1999 2
1997 3
1995 1
1994 1
1992 1
1991 1
1990 2
1980s 6
1989 1
1988 2
1986 1
1982 1
1980 1
504 releases

Popular modular synth Songs

Top New modular synth Songs of 2024

modular synth music by decade

Explore modular synth history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of modular synth artists

Here is a list of modular synth artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the modular synth genre. You can find out what modular synth genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 37 32666
2 29 15119
3 42 67994
4 32 83889
5 44 17861
6 31 27560
7 46 185682
8 17 8128
9 44 7142
10 34 57469
11 32 76984
12 42 17702
13 34 47983
14 29 7181
15 38 36315
16 30 5674
17 29 17895
18 22 6760
19 28 1522
20 17 3492
21 21 10955
22 26 16912
23 10 4626
24 15 9318
25 15 19428
26 24 505
27 25 4858
28 24 1394
29 24 892
30 21 8854
31 21 1452
32 16 7322
33 20 2718
34 19 1084
35 17 7795
36 18 4940
37 9 884
38 17 5144
39 16 2061
40 16 7515
41 15 6107
42 15 408
43 15 6904
44 14 1579
45 14 1574
46 14 2600
47 13 3710
48 5 432
49 12 4780
50 12 567
51 12 3105
52 11 1481
53 4 2170
54 10 474
55 9 815
56 9 458
57 1 256
58 1 129
59 7 227
60 7 1539
61 7 98
62 6 699
63 6 1268
64 5 403
65 5 454
66 4 1075
67 1 1290
68 4 112
69 4 493
70 4 355
71 2 660
72 2 597
73 3 1709
74 3 195
75 3 530
76 3 292
77 3 245
78 3 282
79 3 117
80 1 81
81 1 1528
82 2 200
83 2 242
84 2 271
85 2 467
86 2 405
87 2 147
88 2 186
89 2 455
90 2 104
91 2 247
92 1 224
93 1 566
94 1 643
95 1 222
96 1 173
97 1 345
98 1 115
99 1 153
100 1 125

modular synth playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular modular synth music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.