
Genre: mongolian hip hop

Play genre

Mongolian hip hop is a genre that blends traditional Mongolian music with modern hip hop beats and lyrics. It often incorporates throat singing, horsehead fiddle, and other traditional instruments. The lyrics often focus on social issues, cultural identity, and personal struggles. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists gaining recognition both locally and internationally.

Most popular mongolian hip hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Mongolian Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 290
2024 9
2023 66
2022 80
2021 80
2020 55
2010s 78
2019 26
2018 20
2017 11
2016 7
2015 4
2014 1
2013 4
2012 1
2011 1
2010 3
2000s 5
2009 1
2007 2
2004 1
2001 1
373 releases

Popular mongolian hip hop Songs

Top New mongolian hip hop Songs of 2024

mongolian hip hop music by decade

Explore mongolian hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of mongolian hip hop artists

Here is a list of mongolian hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the mongolian hip hop genre. You can find out what mongolian hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 40 92993
2 37 16959
3 34 87214
4 33 64883
5 30 53433
6 28 42005
7 27 18507
8 27 34959
9 26 36332
10 26 53939
11 24 35430
12 23 28995
13 21 19026
14 20 28789
15 18 9248
16 15 15389
17 15 1641
18 37 48581
19 37 110027
20 14 631
21 36 42084
22 13 4030
23 11 3053
24 32 67294
25 31 89863
26 31 46271
27 31 21667
28 30 43004
29 8 2624
30 29 34576
31 29 35643
32 28 38151
33 28 59752
34 27 12939
35 26 6911
36 5 10681
37 25 18310
38 25 21035
39 25 62614
40 24 27728
41 23 68109
42 23 36837
43 22 24901
44 22 13434
45 21 1321
46 21 23628
47 21 12306
48 21 16575
49 19 2379
50 19 2000
51 19 2963
52 18 22088
53 18 10326
54 18 4789
55 18 5212
56 17 8769
57 17 38065
58 16 1733
59 15 1559
60 15 1238
61 15 6444
62 15 4067
63 15 2405
64 15 12014
65 14 11173
66 14 9426
67 13 926
68 13 12704
69 12 14185
70 12 1078
71 12 1951
72 11 4445
73 10 1944
74 9 1369
75 9 4413
76 8 14275
77 8 1461
78 8 3303
79 8 1701
80 7 727
81 7 834
82 7 1018
83 7 10407
84 5 1083
85 5 1302
86 5 3297
87 4 1423
88 4 1043
89 3 1028
90 3 736
91 1 1142
92 1 193
93 1 641
94 1 5271
95 1 2665

mongolian hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular mongolian hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.