
Genre: musica angolana

Play genre

Musica Angolana is a popular music genre originating from Angola that blends traditional African rhythms with contemporary styles such as R&B, hip-hop, and pop. The music is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and soulful lyrics that often touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and social issues. It has gained widespread popularity in Angola and across the African continent, and has produced numerous talented artists who have made a significant impact in the music industry.

Most popular musica angolana artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Musica Angolana genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 567
2024 42
2023 148
2022 121
2021 133
2020 123
2010s 509
2019 79
2018 76
2017 53
2016 59
2015 67
2014 56
2013 33
2012 29
2011 33
2010 24
2000s 85
2009 15
2008 16
2007 15
2006 9
2005 8
2004 3
2003 6
2002 7
2001 4
2000 2
1990s 25
1999 6
1998 5
1997 4
1996 1
1995 5
1994 1
1992 2
1991 1
1186 releases

Popular musica angolana Songs

Top New musica angolana Songs of 2024

musica angolana music by decade

Explore musica angolana history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of musica angolana artists

Here is a list of musica angolana artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the musica angolana genre. You can find out what musica angolana genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 42 120316
2 51 591841
3 50 390136
4 46 138392
5 39 99042
6 50 105915
7 49 148038
8 49 347608
9 44 227622
10 48 289049
11 28 34490
12 35 51618
13 31 43012
14 38 103442
15 39 100381
16 43 103192
17 52 262541
18 45 125270
19 30 30781
20 42 239232
21 38 116373
22 47 50970
23 49 211443
24 34 48436
25 34 99497
26 34 138331
27 31 22155
28 33 43747
29 38 19055
30 32 43373
31 27 45464
32 42 41027
33 34 50388
34 43 178244
35 42 194625
36 42 55215
37 29 42767
38 33 25077
39 40 36517
40 38 93072
41 31 7279
42 39 52740
43 38 118251
44 36 58713
45 36 115322
46 36 17484
47 36 67922
48 36 76892
49 35 58876
50 35 39703
51 35 77752
52 35 91055
53 35 115963
54 28 10037
55 27 46864
56 34 49996
57 31 47371
58 34 95632
59 34 37321
60 34 8888
61 34 48985
62 33 75285
63 33 39446
64 32 91197
65 32 33263
66 30 29971
67 29 12440
68 28 16150
69 29 27077
70 28 3919
71 45 301259
72 42 179094
73 40 181240
74 45 15096
75 40 30359
76 47 340038
77 38 107200
78 39 34031
79 45 114803
80 36 24295
81 42 105292
82 48 218829
83 28 53368
84 33 53705
85 33 23428
86 32 30222
87 45 159244
88 30 38107
89 28 18504
90 28 38587
91 28 60297
92 35 136027
93 28 35527
94 27 28251
95 40 95308
96 37 36702
97 33 28432
98 26 10314
99 30 16866
100 28 26816

musica angolana playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular musica angolana music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.