
Genre musica gaucha tradicionalista

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Musica Gaucha Tradicionalista is a traditional music genre from the southern region of Brazil that celebrates the culture and history of the Gauchos, the cowboys of the region. The music is characterized by the use of accordion, guitar, and percussion instruments, and features lyrics that often tell stories of rural life, love, and honor. The genre has a strong following among the people of the region and is often performed at festivals and gatherings. (AI Generated)

Most popular musica gaucha tradicionalista artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Musica Gaucha Tradicionalista genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 207
2024 32
2023 58
2022 53
2021 36
2020 28
2010s 649
2019 26
2018 208
2017 286
2016 27
2015 19
2014 16
2013 18
2012 14
2011 22
2010 13
2000s 126
2009 16
2008 11
2007 12
2006 16
2005 17
2004 10
2003 10
2002 16
2001 5
2000 13
1990s 64
1999 6
1998 7
1997 9
1996 2
1995 7
1994 8
1993 16
1992 3
1991 1
1990 5
1980s 11
1989 1
1988 1
1987 3
1985 1
1984 1
1982 2
1981 1
1980 1
1970s 9
1979 2
1978 3
1977 1
1976 1
1975 1
1972 1
1960s 6
1969 1
1968 3
1967 1
1964 1
1072 releases

musica gaucha tradicionalista playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular musica gaucha tradicionalista music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular musica gaucha tradicionalista Songs

Top New musica gaucha tradicionalista Songs of 2024

musica gaucha tradicionalista music by decade

Explore musica gaucha tradicionalista history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of musica gaucha tradicionalista artists

Here is a list of musica gaucha tradicionalista artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the musica gaucha tradicionalista genre. You can find out what musica gaucha tradicionalista genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 40037
2 51 161385
3 45 113509
4 43 122894
5 49 109183
6 38 60899
7 50 143890
8 49 116322
9 42 31078
10 48 58608
11 43 31257
12 46 77758
13 46 86567
14 44 100079
15 37 19474
16 36 33797
17 42 38601
18 41 40864
19 40 14189
20 40 27923
21 40 49861
22 39 32263
23 39 29691
24 39 12289
25 32 25510
26 38 56664
27 38 37284
28 32 8503
29 37 20415
30 37 46225
31 36 39429
32 35 8857
33 35 19210
34 35 21308
35 35 4965
36 28 18019
37 34 2127
38 34 5851
39 34 6268
40 34 29691
41 34 8768
42 33 25347
43 33 37796
44 33 3764
45 33 17645
46 32 21946
47 32 4926
48 31 7599
49 31 15425
50 31 21541
51 30 3187
52 30 5076
53 30 1138
54 30 5797
55 30 24314
56 30 29931
57 30 799
58 30 11091
59 30 14740
60 30 12710
61 30 13241
62 30 9643
63 29 6873
64 29 13082
65 29 8000
66 29 9235
67 29 15654
68 29 7690
69 29 7364
70 29 17905
71 29 5542
72 29 7535
73 28 20192
74 28 14956
75 28 6098
76 28 5854
77 28 1604
78 27 3783
79 27 1711
80 27 28110
81 27 259
82 27 8096
83 27 20328
84 27 673
85 26 9257
86 26 10330
87 26 9764
88 26 4208
89 26 1198
90 25 4102
91 25 1930
92 24 3019
93 24 10438
94 24 16817
95 24 24467
96 24 1060
97 23 1787
98 23 3223
99 23 2689
100 22 5531