
Genre: musica potosina

Play genre

Parent Genre: latin

Musica Potosina is a traditional Mexican music genre that originated in the state of San Luis Potosi. It is characterized by the use of accordion, bajo sexto, and drums, and often features lyrics that tell stories of love, heartbreak, and everyday life. The genre has a strong regional identity and is popular among the Mexican-American community.

Most popular musica potosina artists

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Popular musica potosina Songs

Top New musica potosina Songs of 2024

musica potosina music by decade

Explore musica potosina history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of musica potosina artists

Here is a list of musica potosina artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the musica potosina genre. You can find out what musica potosina genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 440179
2 49 105670
3 58 132231
4 52 171332
5 45 149697
6 38 67235
7 45 14735
8 31 15093
9 39 20207
10 39 16532
11 36 14865
12 34 16087
13 36 33618
14 36 3424
15 35 9312
16 35 8972
17 32 4231
18 31 34807
19 31 8550
20 30 11976
21 28 2258
22 17 2762
23 26 11519
24 25 2319
25 15 2595
26 24 3484
27 23 2821
28 21 2691
29 10 1320
30 10 1453
31 19 4087
32 17 3080
33 17 1439
34 7 1703
35 17 3090
36 16 4377
37 6 328
38 15 1987
39 5 665
40 14 864
41 14 1986
42 12 366
43 11 913
44 11 2799
45 11 792
46 10 1652
47 9 473
48 8 295
49 8 645
50 8 834
51 4 760
52 6 27
53 2 630
54 5 687
55 5 150
56 5 44
57 4 415
58 4 475
59 3 170
60 3 224
61 3 264
62 3 175
63 3 928
64 2 329
65 2 521
66 2 758
67 1 272
68 1 299
69 1 127

musica potosina playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular musica potosina music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.