
Genre musica triste brasileira

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Musica triste brasileira is a melancholic music genre that originated in Brazil. It is characterized by slow and emotional melodies, often accompanied by acoustic guitar and piano. The lyrics typically express feelings of sadness, heartbreak, and longing. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists incorporating elements of hip-hop and electronic music into their compositions. (AI Generated)

Most popular musica triste brasileira artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Musica Triste Brasileira genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 533
2025 1
2024 56
2023 95
2022 129
2021 113
2020 139
2010s 211
2019 147
2018 54
2017 10
744 releases

musica triste brasileira playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular musica triste brasileira music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular musica triste brasileira Songs

Top New musica triste brasileira Songs of 2024

musica triste brasileira music by decade

Explore musica triste brasileira history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of musica triste brasileira artists

Here is a list of musica triste brasileira artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the musica triste brasileira genre. You can find out what musica triste brasileira genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 1954393
2 55 38254
3 50 775780
4 48 223334
5 49 181788
6 46 32799
7 44 286342
8 43 72760
9 43 38153
10 42 13084
11 40 35622
12 40 90171
13 39 73098
14 38 51912
15 38 40992
16 37 65295
17 34 21926
18 35 7372
19 35 119463
20 35 82090
21 34 36665
22 34 16618
23 32 30419
24 32 33268
25 32 48934
26 31 32555
27 31 53747
28 30 26180
29 30 1648
30 29 10076
31 28 3649
32 27 45001
33 27 4799
34 27 50544
35 27 4445
36 26 9114
37 26 8338
38 25 23265
39 24 43721
40 22 2252
41 23 18978
42 23 13667
43 21 8060
44 21 1622
45 21 1193
46 19 1257
47 20 10941
48 20 1339
49 20 986
50 20 3233
51 20 9721
52 20 18445
53 20 19495
54 20 4101
55 19 14732
56 19 14302
57 19 10500
58 19 4984
59 19 4023
60 19 8272
61 19 1307
62 19 613
63 18 15892
64 18 15949
65 18 5482
66 18 23172
67 17 1188
68 16 1074
69 16 854
70 16 4932
71 16 12806
72 16 647
73 16 529
74 16 422
75 16 770
76 15 890
77 15 4822
78 14 2008
79 14 120
80 14 9229
81 13 8190
82 13 696
83 12 5208
84 10 3787
85 11 268
86 11 1858
87 11 3493
88 10 1047
89 10 1873
90 9 2703
91 9 563
92 8 1734
93 8 2198
94 8 513
95 8 720
96 7 200
97 7 464
98 7 709
99 7 985
100 6 365