
Genre musicals

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Musicals music is an engaging and dynamic genre that combines storytelling with a diverse array of musical styles. It features dramatic and emotive songs designed to enhance narrative and character development, often incorporating elements of jazz, pop, classical, and rock. This genre is known for its theatrical flair, expressive lyrics, and memorable melodies that resonate with audiences, both on stage and through soundtracks. (AI Generated)

Most popular musicals artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Musicals genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 471
2024 71
2023 106
2022 86
2021 104
2020 104
2010s 764
2019 104
2018 93
2017 86
2016 74
2015 70
2014 79
2013 82
2012 64
2011 62
2010 50
2000s 359
2009 57
2008 70
2007 40
2006 39
2005 38
2004 22
2003 20
2002 22
2001 24
2000 27
1990s 192
1999 29
1998 19
1997 14
1996 22
1995 20
1994 12
1993 20
1992 20
1991 19
1990 17
1980s 67
1989 17
1988 12
1987 3
1986 10
1985 7
1984 5
1983 1
1982 6
1981 4
1980 2
1970s 24
1979 4
1978 4
1976 1
1975 3
1974 3
1973 1
1972 6
1971 1
1970 1
1960s 23
1969 1
1967 2
1965 3
1964 3
1963 4
1962 5
1961 1
1960 4
1950s 32
1959 4
1958 6
1957 4
1956 3
1955 1
1954 2
1953 3
1952 4
1951 2
1950 3
1940s 4
1949 3
1946 1
1930s 3
1939 2
1932 1
1939 releases

musicals playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular musicals music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular musicals Songs

Top New musicals Songs of 2024

Most popular musicals albums

Wicked: The Soundtrack
EPIC: The Vengeance Saga (Official Concept Album)
Stand Up (From Harriet)
Arcane League of Legends: Season 2 (from the series Arcane League of Legends)
The Greatest Showman (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Frozen (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack / Deluxe Edition)
Blood Sweat & Tears (from the series Arcane League of Legends)
Wicked (Original Broadway Cast Recording / Deluxe Edition)

musicals music by decade

Explore musicals history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of musicals artists

Here is a list of musicals artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the musicals genre. You can find out what musicals genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 79 613570
2 76 404161
3 73 742863
4 73 482548
5 72 532700
6 71 300601
7 68 886346
8 68 136379
9 68 21942
10 67 674505
11 66 92340
12 66 65335
13 66 11743
14 65 170603
15 65 343027
16 65 180264
17 64 182552
18 64 108739
19 64 68018
20 63 123810
21 63 138204
22 63 3173
23 63 329179
24 62 100859
25 62 72962
26 62 47170
27 62 15979
28 62 12603
29 61 28899
30 61 12757
31 61 511139
32 60 17599
33 60 101744
34 60 43289
35 60 349506
36 59 24485
37 59 10494
38 58 10237
39 58 128171
40 57 476885
41 57 16685
42 57 49868
43 57 141928
44 57 6145
45 56 15801
46 56 25827
47 56 53846
48 56 88543
49 56 5176
50 56 49427
51 56 27384
52 56 83437
53 55 4914
54 55 14322
55 55 52489
56 55 38820
57 55 2515
58 55 42328
59 55 14438
60 54 43868
61 54 6630
62 54 2404
63 54 15066
64 54 16791
65 54 3189
66 53 48665
67 53 14008
68 53 9738
69 53 28035
70 53 45838
71 53 6017
72 52 36776
73 52 4001
74 52 19118
75 52 17202
76 52 11167
77 51 3978
78 51 4609
79 51 37615
80 51 11109
81 51 43805
82 51 1813
83 51 626
84 50 97299
85 50 10065
86 50 9072
87 50 20951
88 50 968
89 50 6394
90 50 5867
91 50 21285
92 50 93490
93 50 65406
94 50 12662
95 50 37308
96 50 217
97 49 1779
98 49 5007
99 49 21993
100 49 1203