
Genre musique pour enfants

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Musique pour enfants is a music genre that is specifically designed for children and babies. It features fun and catchy melodies with lyrics that are easy to sing along to. The music is often accompanied by colorful and animated visuals that help to engage and entertain young audiences. This genre includes a variety of sub-genres such as nursery rhymes, lullabies, and educational songs. (AI Generated)

Most popular musique pour enfants artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Musique Pour Enfants genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 113
2024 8
2023 46
2022 24
2021 9
2020 26
2010s 170
2019 17
2018 11
2017 16
2016 18
2015 11
2014 23
2013 29
2012 18
2011 13
2010 14
2000s 81
2009 16
2008 8
2007 9
2006 6
2005 10
2004 6
2003 5
2002 10
2001 9
2000 2
1990s 21
1999 6
1997 2
1996 3
1995 4
1994 1
1993 1
1991 3
1990 1
1980s 10
1989 3
1988 1
1987 2
1986 1
1984 1
1982 1
1980 1
1970s 2
1979 1
1977 1
397 releases

musique pour enfants playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular musique pour enfants music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular musique pour enfants Songs

Top New musique pour enfants Songs of 2024

Most popular musique pour enfants albums

Comptines pour enfants et bébés
Les plus belles comptines d'Okoo (Edition Deluxe)
Rebelle (Bande Originale du Film)
Drôles de comptines !
Bing Bong Zoo (Français)
20 Comptines pour enfants et bébés
Coucou Passe-Partout

musique pour enfants music by decade

Explore musique pour enfants history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of musique pour enfants artists

Here is a list of musique pour enfants artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the musique pour enfants genre. You can find out what musique pour enfants genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 40968
2 53 16799
3 53 13109
4 52 571
5 51 10374
6 51 543
7 49 34456
8 40 3344
9 48 10312
10 48 3821
11 47 4496
12 45 8377
13 46 5000
14 44 5324
15 37 1637
16 35 3660
17 43 1186
18 43 226
19 34 1336
20 42 7311
21 33 5807
22 40 44876
23 40 5537
24 37 18441
25 34 1584
26 34 345
27 31 1904
28 32 2340
29 32 3676
30 25 1551
31 33 3128
32 33 3943
33 33 1003
34 33 1135
35 32 1989
36 32 1542
37 32 5038
38 30 5268
39 30 1623
40 29 6409
41 25 936
42 28 1219
43 27 2217
44 26 1352
45 26 313
46 26 24
47 26 413
48 26 679
49 26 5187
50 25 1776
51 25 406
52 24 1678
53 24 2084
54 24 329
55 24 1518
56 23 133
57 23 3906
58 23 1310
59 21 1651
60 21 1115
61 20 453
62 20 394
63 20 453
64 20 408
65 19 275
66 19 815
67 18 1581
68 18 154
69 17 591
70 17 1479
71 17 187
72 16 61
73 16 434
74 15 1064
75 15 414
76 14 58
77 14 1615
78 13 1683
79 13 1429
80 13 1251
81 13 300
82 13 608
83 13 501
84 12 37
85 12 1705
86 12 852
87 12 47
88 11 758
89 11 355
90 11 1100
91 11 464
92 11 477
93 11 534
94 11 131
95 10 110
96 10 429
97 10 1665
98 9 35
99 9 1031
100 9 222