
Genre: necrotrap

Play genre

Necrotrap is a subgenre of trap music that combines dark, haunting melodies with heavy bass and distorted vocals. The lyrics often touch on themes of death, horror, and the supernatural. The sound is characterized by eerie soundscapes, glitchy beats, and a general sense of unease. It's a genre that's not for the faint of heart, but for those who enjoy exploring the darker side of music.

Most popular necrotrap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Necrotrap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1036
2024 117
2023 310
2022 309
2021 185
2020 115
2010s 30
2019 29
2018 1
1066 releases

Popular necrotrap Songs

Top New necrotrap Songs of 2024

necrotrap music by decade

Explore necrotrap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of necrotrap artists

Here is a list of necrotrap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the necrotrap genre. You can find out what necrotrap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 22748
2 52 41284
3 48 117177
4 49 32858
5 47 37537
6 45 81986
7 43 30703
8 42 12404
9 40 34690
10 40 10267
11 40 15574
12 35 7857
13 36 13319
14 35 8750
15 35 50893
16 32 6955
17 29 4928
18 28 7682
19 30 4880
20 28 4910
21 28 5129
22 28 4172
23 28 6337
24 27 4287
25 27 1463
26 27 3846
27 27 7092
28 26 19906
29 26 5935
30 25 3013
31 25 6984
32 24 4337
33 24 5213
34 24 2670
35 24 10809
36 23 3513
37 23 3071
38 23 1373
39 23 2654
40 23 1073
41 23 5766
42 23 1213
43 23 4262
44 23 24737
45 23 1690
46 22 1885
47 22 4425
48 22 8750
49 22 2821
50 21 3951
51 21 3229
52 21 2922
53 21 3167
54 21 1278
55 20 945
56 20 2827
57 19 1872
58 19 5861
59 18 486
60 18 3853
61 17 3529
62 16 453
63 16 888
64 16 1693
65 16 754
66 15 2247
67 15 1487
68 15 1503
69 15 1170
70 15 980
71 15 2388
72 15 1518
73 14 907
74 14 552
75 14 910
76 14 887
77 14 978
78 13 516
79 13 2360
80 13 1963
81 13 1687
82 12 2393
83 12 404
84 12 789
85 12 1806
86 11 3434
87 11 797
88 11 3324
89 11 887
90 10 1750
91 10 1966
92 10 1610
93 9 1727
94 9 757
95 8 1020
96 8 222
97 8 877
98 8 516
99 8 559
100 7 798

necrotrap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular necrotrap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.