
Genre: neo-classical

Play genre

Neo-classical music is a contemporary genre that draws inspiration from classical music, but incorporates modern elements such as electronic instrumentation and ambient soundscapes. It often features minimalistic compositions with a focus on melody and emotion. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many artists creating cinematic and atmospheric pieces that evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation.

Most popular neo-classical artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Neo-classical genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 4293
2024 489
2023 1254
2022 954
2021 853
2020 743
2010s 1184
2019 456
2018 293
2017 180
2016 100
2015 35
2014 40
2013 25
2012 28
2011 15
2010 12
2000s 46
2009 8
2008 8
2007 4
2006 5
2005 5
2004 5
2003 2
2002 3
2001 5
2000 1
1990s 6
1999 1
1998 1
1994 1
1993 1
1991 1
1990 1
5529 releases

Popular neo-classical Songs

Top New neo-classical Songs of 2024

neo-classical music by decade

Explore neo-classical history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of neo-classical artists

Here is a list of neo-classical artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the neo-classical genre. You can find out what neo-classical genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 79 3558292
2 61 28160
3 61 271894
4 59 274932
5 50 14509
6 50 29423
7 53 9390
8 52 14726
9 52 49094
10 50 30516
11 66 1157716
12 48 41589
13 49 15175
14 49 22010
15 48 58688
16 47 62593
17 47 57819
18 45 8783
19 46 10279
20 66 23275
21 45 32792
22 45 23943
23 64 165941
24 61 87696
25 61 3110
26 55 14342
27 55 6022
28 53 4344
29 57 40198
30 51 1918
31 55 9801
32 55 11718
33 55 3634
34 55 84326
35 55 12443
36 54 8011
37 54 7330
38 53 17446
39 53 18938
40 52 2915
41 52 9822
42 52 1396
43 52 5285
44 52 5776
45 52 23272
46 52 238663
47 52 3171
48 50 38494
49 49 7609
50 46 1814
51 50 4969
52 50 3086
53 50 2517
54 50 3335
55 50 3068
56 50 4333
57 45 5510
58 49 10734
59 49 3068
60 49 7469
61 49 9460
62 49 17142
63 48 4629
64 48 2205
65 48 5816
66 48 1212
67 48 3536
68 47 35399
69 47 2869
70 47 9535
71 47 792
72 47 1550
73 47 12241
74 47 3872
75 47 7887
76 47 4153
77 47 906
78 47 1451
79 47 556
80 46 8966
81 46 11667
82 46 1382
83 44 6124
84 45 3526
85 45 1814
86 45 7867
87 45 7269
88 45 688
89 45 6180
90 45 5103
91 45 35364
92 45 2338
93 45 1871
94 44 49297
95 44 4763
96 44 1114
97 44 6953
98 44 4396
99 44 2668
100 43 4161

neo-classical playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular neo-classical music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.