
Genre neoclassical

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Neoclassical music is a genre that blends elements of classical music traditions with contemporary influences, creating a sound that is both timeless and innovative. Characterized by its attention to melodic structure and harmonic depth, neoclassical music often incorporates orchestral arrangements alongside modern instrumentation. This genre seeks to evoke emotional resonance through its refined and sophisticated compositions, appealing to both traditional classical enthusiasts and modern listeners. (AI Generated)

Most popular neoclassical artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Neoclassical genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 5610
2025 14
2024 853
2023 1775
2022 1192
2021 983
2020 793
2010s 2408
2019 577
2018 430
2017 293
2016 274
2015 161
2014 160
2013 151
2012 143
2011 99
2010 120
2000s 659
2009 111
2008 91
2007 73
2006 79
2005 57
2004 65
2003 58
2002 48
2001 47
2000 30
1990s 193
1999 33
1998 25
1997 16
1996 27
1995 22
1994 18
1993 13
1992 16
1991 12
1990 11
1980s 55
1989 11
1988 13
1987 8
1986 9
1985 1
1984 3
1983 9
1982 1
1970s 4
1979 2
1977 2
1960s 1
1968 1
1950s 2
1951 1
1950 1
1940s 1
1949 1
8933 releases

neoclassical playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular neoclassical music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular neoclassical Songs

Top New neoclassical Songs of 2024

neoclassical music by decade

Explore neoclassical history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of neoclassical artists

Here is a list of neoclassical artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the neoclassical genre. You can find out what neoclassical genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 71 1063251
2 78 3721625
3 55 5046
4 55 2184
5 54 2127
6 58 663505
7 59 686173
8 53 382
9 62 841154
10 48 6633
11 42 31857
12 59 531295
13 57 288368
14 44 58212
15 52 62490
16 51 181029
17 51 4139
18 52 56006
19 55 46600
20 66 167463
21 49 376023
22 49 50811
23 63 298993
24 63 178072
25 45 879
26 44 111503
27 46 118056
28 43 14513
29 45 20349
30 43 3990
31 47 46072
32 59 279231
33 59 3297
34 59 126108
35 58 13695
36 57 56572
37 57 297421
38 56 30592
39 45 112654
40 55 30663
41 45 106954
42 44 282049
43 54 89909
44 53 25158
45 53 9992
46 48 3199
47 48 450440
48 47 1883
49 46 147887
50 50 88416
51 51 8515
52 51 5979
53 50 29303
54 50 3671
55 46 8267
56 49 79285
57 49 15185
58 49 17677
59 49 3433
60 49 50296
61 48 7737
62 48 29018
63 48 32402
64 48 15832
65 47 9917
66 47 42779
67 47 10254
68 47 4743
69 47 10347
70 47 19578
71 47 6052
72 47 5232
73 47 60564
74 46 2443
75 46 8062
76 46 12539
77 46 11969
78 45 5995
79 45 64401
80 45 912
81 45 7645
82 45 51877
83 45 1857
84 45 1589
85 45 15093
86 44 15138
87 44 2036
88 44 4875
89 44 78573
90 44 1251
91 44 1539
92 44 22875
93 44 36704
94 44 33454
95 43 1846
96 43 7049
97 43 54771
98 43 1258
99 43 2834
100 43 7644