
Genre: neon pop punk

Play genre

Neon pop punk is a high-energy and upbeat music genre that incorporates elements of punk rock and pop music. The music is characterized by catchy melodies, fast-paced guitar riffs, and lyrics that often focus on teenage angst, relationships, and self-discovery. The genre is known for its colorful and vibrant aesthetic, with neon lights and bold graphics often featured in music videos and album artwork. Fans of neon pop punk enjoy the genre's fun and youthful energy, as well as its relatable lyrics and catchy hooks.

Most popular neon pop punk artists

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Parent Genre: pop

Related genres

Instruments used

Piano, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Neon Pop Punk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 521
2024 84
2023 142
2022 99
2021 83
2020 113
2010s 938
2019 94
2018 81
2017 77
2016 62
2015 79
2014 66
2013 100
2012 93
2011 145
2010 141
2000s 656
2009 143
2008 127
2007 113
2006 72
2005 78
2004 44
2003 33
2002 19
2001 20
2000 7
1990s 11
1999 5
1998 2
1996 4
2126 releases

Popular neon pop punk Songs

Top New neon pop punk Songs of 2024

neon pop punk music by decade

Explore neon pop punk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of neon pop punk artists

Here is a list of neon pop punk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the neon pop punk genre. You can find out what neon pop punk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 729712
2 63 1345535
3 67 2370877
4 56 456183
5 70 2372303
6 63 868976
7 45 215542
8 69 1604112
9 65 1403721
10 50 280406
11 50 230087
12 45 290239
13 49 332483
14 48 308921
15 53 253076
16 56 486805
17 68 2686638
18 38 103174
19 49 299913
20 47 190558
21 50 287336
22 67 2615210
23 58 515019
24 46 206648
25 55 514814
26 70 3663832
27 47 311504
28 55 292644
29 56 703353
30 41 188774
31 60 1363100
32 58 570032
33 39 174479
34 58 979402
35 59 530314
36 64 1267781
37 64 512592
38 58 626158
39 42 131866
40 37 74389
41 56 347605
42 71 3059455
43 63 1212219
44 63 1164107
45 44 83793
46 44 303069
47 41 140896
48 50 222908
49 61 1279148
50 36 84887
51 60 849004
52 37 105216
53 52 336099
54 39 134574
55 46 306060
56 36 58358
57 62 1220573
58 59 502003
59 50 97622
60 30 33383
61 49 188156
62 55 549855
63 38 73005
64 46 152504
65 45 283931
66 46 227149
67 48 579406
68 46 225019
69 45 160893
70 44 181532
71 31 28397
72 54 475634
73 41 134252
74 42 207370
75 31 30432
76 31 27912
77 42 235755
78 43 162831
79 43 161933
80 59 425831
81 34 101225
82 44 130911
83 54 342604
84 38 78683
85 45 65052
86 50 248873
87 50 438499
88 49 640607
89 36 64386
90 34 58014
91 56 557932
92 52 351270
93 57 141564
94 48 219975
95 45 18235
96 45 148449
97 34 71456
98 33 38045
99 35 132660
100 31 7577

neon pop punk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular neon pop punk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.