
Genre: neru

Play genre

Neru music is a genre of music that is known for its soothing and relaxing qualities. It is often referred to as 癒しBGM, which translates to healing background music. The music is also associated with the 日本BGM向上委員会, which is a committee dedicated to improving the quality of Japanese background music. One of the most popular sub-genres of neru music is 睡眠音楽の極み-Sleeping village-, which is music specifically designed to help people fall asleep and stay asleep.

Most popular neru artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Neru genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 234
2024 15
2023 29
2022 54
2021 51
2020 85
2010s 124
2019 52
2018 25
2017 16
2016 11
2015 2
2014 3
2013 5
2012 7
2011 2
2010 1
358 releases

Popular neru Songs

Top New neru Songs of 2024

Most popular neru albums

ポジティブ思考 編集
Forest Coating Music 森の中にいるようなヒーリングピアノ 朝カフェ、作業用、テレワーク用、お昼寝用 森の音、川の音 ホワイトノイズASMR入り
これ、すっっげー眠くなる。聴くだけでぐっすり眠れる。癒しの睡眠導入音楽 リラックスギターとα波のヒーリングミュージック!!!
超熟睡 聴くだけで睡眠の質を上げる リラックスして寝れる睡眠導入 睡眠音楽 ぐっすり眠れる癒しの快眠ギターBGM
癒しの音楽 - ピアノで聴く ジブリ&アニメーションミュージック 1 -
周波数 せせらぎと野鳥のさえずり 海と波の音

neru music by decade

Explore neru history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of neru artists

Here is a list of neru artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the neru genre. You can find out what neru genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 50 1424
2 47 1911
3 40 1607
4 38 764
5 37 1805
6 35 406
7 35 638
8 35 1426
9 34 417
10 34 190
11 34 996
12 33 1451
13 31 2443
14 31 937
15 28 4539
16 28 2472
17 28 1314
18 27 861
19 24 842
20 24 749
21 24 1458
22 24 577
23 23 565
24 22 1378
25 21 54
26 21 670
27 21 1574
28 21 912
29 20 892
30 20 1455
31 20 145
32 18 636
33 18 341
34 17 1204
35 17 261
36 15 696
37 15 635
38 15 672
39 15 142
40 15 533
41 14 273
42 14 62
43 13 137
44 13 408
45 13 834
46 12 539
47 11 152
48 11 142
49 10 122
50 10 322
51 10 176
52 10 337
53 9 37
54 9 453
55 8 90
56 8 328
57 6 226
58 5 54
59 5 2700
60 4 112
61 4 83
62 4 217
63 3 221
64 3 33
65 3 153
66 3 204
67 3 124
68 3 80
69 3 41
70 2 659
71 2 299
72 2 237
73 2 213
74 1 92
75 1 60
76 1 353
77 1 27

neru playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular neru music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.