
Genre: neue deutsche welle

Play genre

Neue Deutsche Welle is a music genre that emerged in Germany in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is characterized by its use of synthesizers, drum machines, and electronic instruments, as well as its lyrics in the German language. The genre was a response to the dominance of English-language music in Germany at the time and was seen as a way to promote German culture and identity. Neue Deutsche Welle was popularized by a group of artists who became known for their catchy, danceable songs and distinctive fashion sense. The genre had a significant impact on German pop music and continues to influence artists today. (AI Generated)

Most popular neue deutsche welle artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Neue Deutsche Welle genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 101
2024 17
2023 32
2022 19
2021 19
2020 14
2010s 142
2019 18
2018 12
2017 16
2016 19
2015 15
2014 13
2013 9
2012 11
2011 14
2010 15
2000s 98
2009 9
2008 18
2007 18
2006 5
2005 7
2004 11
2003 9
2002 8
2001 7
2000 6
1990s 98
1999 8
1998 5
1997 11
1996 7
1995 6
1994 13
1993 13
1992 11
1991 15
1990 9
1980s 148
1989 8
1988 9
1987 5
1986 13
1985 10
1984 17
1983 23
1982 31
1981 22
1980 10
1970s 12
1979 5
1978 4
1977 1
1976 2
599 releases

Popular neue deutsche welle Songs

Top New neue deutsche welle Songs of 2024

neue deutsche welle music by decade

Explore neue deutsche welle history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of neue deutsche welle artists

Here is a list of neue deutsche welle artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the neue deutsche welle genre. You can find out what neue deutsche welle genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 531578
2 54 721413
3 53 458961
4 50 189140
5 51 398896
6 51 149801
7 45 46913
8 49 230327
9 48 140203
10 47 112143
11 60 1023470
12 58 385976
13 61 906994
14 63 494185
15 54 268880
16 51 236789
17 58 880632
18 50 130867
19 48 173707
20 48 159678
21 48 180101
22 51 211159
23 47 50733
24 46 51910
25 54 230636
26 45 43195
27 43 13964
28 43 65310
29 43 17740
30 42 62320
31 42 79715
32 40 47480
33 40 29504
34 39 25963
35 39 66602
36 37 25366
37 37 5714
38 38 13700
39 37 29067
40 36 16400
41 36 28630
42 36 2487
43 36 31099
44 36 8815
45 36 20306
46 36 5763
47 41 80887
48 40 107742
49 36 11404
50 57 150004
51 48 140522
52 47 52084
53 43 40511
54 62 1284544
55 39 61562
56 38 64741
57 37 12989
58 60 1542306
59 58 124506
60 54 240414
61 54 233219
62 51 47666
63 49 45820
64 48 294195
65 45 47408
66 44 80204
67 42 41050
68 42 90624
69 42 75852
70 36 70409
71 36 14968
72 53 834907
73 61 53161
74 59 598546
75 57 235417
76 36 68511
77 53 44667
78 48 15451
79 41 17696
80 46 39627
81 45 30555
82 46 38540
83 45 15552
84 39 80170
85 44 17926
86 40 95363
87 37 16036
88 42 135466
89 41 15434
90 40 46440
91 38 3073
92 40 6498
93 39 49033
94 39 20496
95 37 41617
96 38 26019
97 37 5295
98 37 5427
99 36 3491
100 36 23655

neue deutsche welle playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular neue deutsche welle music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.