
Genre: neue neue deutsche welle

Play genre

Neue Neue Deutsche Welle is a modern take on the German New Wave music genre of the 1980s. It incorporates electronic and pop elements with lyrics that often touch on themes of love, relationships, and societal issues. The genre has gained popularity in recent years with a new wave of artists emerging with their own unique sound and style.

Most popular neue neue deutsche welle artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Neue Neue Deutsche Welle genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 789
2024 91
2023 280
2022 242
2021 109
2020 67
2010s 62
2019 27
2018 21
2017 6
2016 5
2015 1
2014 1
2012 1
851 releases

Popular neue neue deutsche welle Songs

Top New neue neue deutsche welle Songs of 2024

neue neue deutsche welle music by decade

Explore neue neue deutsche welle history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of neue neue deutsche welle artists

Here is a list of neue neue deutsche welle artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the neue neue deutsche welle genre. You can find out what neue neue deutsche welle genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 62 45547
2 58 226977
3 58 116079
4 49 39609
5 53 46270
6 50 43882
7 44 39906
8 47 28805
9 45 36952
10 42 15603
11 44 17676
12 41 12189
13 41 25717
14 37 13834
15 37 10354
16 39 15270
17 39 12212
18 35 40598
19 38 15812
20 38 2615
21 34 5753
22 37 14471
23 37 11126
24 37 14469
25 37 18778
26 37 5244
27 37 16294
28 29 10250
29 36 6056
30 36 10228
31 35 10173
32 33 2695
33 33 4453
34 33 10775
35 33 10761
36 32 10176
37 32 4241
38 31 2143
39 31 5051
40 29 4552
41 29 13045
42 30 5347
43 30 4598
44 29 3808
45 25 9186
46 26 2573
47 26 2560
48 26 4971
49 26 3666
50 26 6922
51 26 2258
52 26 5853
53 25 6201
54 25 3235
55 24 1396
56 24 2000
57 17 5011
58 23 1084
59 23 998
60 23 3361
61 22 1776
62 22 3764
63 21 3583
64 21 2090
65 14 6081
66 20 4799
67 20 485
68 19 670
69 18 1659
70 17 1141
71 17 2110
72 17 889
73 16 1830
74 16 358
75 15 2504
76 13 1443
77 9 3336
78 12 1419
79 11 534
80 11 599
81 7 2022
82 10 520
83 10 789
84 8 1074
85 8 1003
86 7 483
87 6 286
88 6 487
89 6 951
90 4 346
91 4 188
92 3 218
93 3 293
94 3 272
95 3 306
96 3 242
97 2 109
98 1 243
99 1 190
100 1 244

neue neue deutsche welle playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular neue neue deutsche welle music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.