
Genre: new jersey underground rap

Play genre

New Jersey's underground rap scene is characterized by its gritty and raw sound, with heavy beats and lyrics that often touch on themes of struggle, survival, and street life. The artists in this genre are known for their authentic storytelling and unique perspectives, drawing from their own experiences growing up in the Garden State. The music is often marked by a sense of urgency and intensity, reflecting the high stakes of life in urban New Jersey. Overall, this is a genre that is defined by its energy, passion, and commitment to keeping it real.

Most popular new jersey underground rap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of New Jersey Underground Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 432
2024 49
2023 109
2022 96
2021 103
2020 75
2010s 117
2019 62
2018 15
2017 14
2016 13
2015 10
2014 2
2013 1
549 releases

Popular new jersey underground rap Songs

Top New new jersey underground rap Songs of 2024

new jersey underground rap music by decade

Explore new jersey underground rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of new jersey underground rap artists

Here is a list of new jersey underground rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the new jersey underground rap genre. You can find out what new jersey underground rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 73 837658
2 52 7507
3 44 40508
4 41 53806
5 48 71052
6 41 36908
7 35 26734
8 38 70027
9 37 2016
10 37 11806
11 33 5573
12 29 12751
13 28 24103
14 33 5938
15 33 17563
16 32 5775
17 31 17967
18 27 18140
19 28 8641
20 25 9867
21 17 4062
22 24 24155
23 24 5351
24 22 9627
25 20 1010
26 12 1640
27 19 2930
28 17 410
29 15 2869
30 15 2102
31 14 150
32 14 1433
33 13 10778
34 13 0
35 13 1903
36 13 168
37 12 699
38 12 1457
39 11 22867
40 11 630
41 11 1043
42 10 1135
43 10 83473
44 9 1673
45 8 1514
46 8 748
47 8 1638
48 7 733
49 7 1083
50 6 109
51 6 85
52 6 1129
53 5 479
54 5 268
55 5 244
56 5 4166
57 5 258
58 4 415
59 4 548
60 4 267
61 4 278
62 3 498
63 3 483
64 3 100
65 3 124
66 3 198
67 3 759
68 3 17
69 2 96
70 2 21
71 2 89
72 2 36
73 2 211
74 2 38
75 2 156
76 2 164
77 1 752
78 1 136
79 1 229
80 1 437
81 1 279
82 1 351
83 1 492
84 1 176
85 1 141
86 1 330
87 1 255
88 1 189
89 1 120
90 1 174
91 1 1779
92 1 43
93 1 152
94 1 345
95 1 74

new jersey underground rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular new jersey underground rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.