
Genre: nordnorsk musikk

Play genre

Nordnorsk musikk is a genre of music that originates from the northern regions of Norway. It is characterized by its unique blend of traditional folk music and modern pop and rock influences. The music often features lyrics in the local dialect and is known for its emotional and introspective themes. Nordnorsk musikk has gained popularity in recent years, with many artists incorporating elements of the genre into their music.

Most popular nordnorsk musikk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Nordnorsk Musikk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 139
2024 17
2023 40
2022 26
2021 29
2020 27
2010s 213
2019 28
2018 24
2017 28
2016 31
2015 25
2014 18
2013 16
2012 22
2011 12
2010 9
2000s 38
2009 10
2008 11
2007 1
2006 2
2005 6
2004 2
2003 1
2002 3
2001 1
2000 1
1990s 24
1999 3
1998 2
1997 2
1996 3
1995 2
1994 2
1993 4
1991 4
1990 2
1980s 11
1989 2
1988 2
1987 2
1983 2
1981 1
1980 2
1970s 2
1979 1
1971 1
427 releases

Popular nordnorsk musikk Songs

Top New nordnorsk musikk Songs of 2024

nordnorsk musikk music by decade

Explore nordnorsk musikk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of nordnorsk musikk artists

Here is a list of nordnorsk musikk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the nordnorsk musikk genre. You can find out what nordnorsk musikk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 35 41322
2 36 8546
3 42 43122
4 56 40441
5 34 42641
6 27 4241
7 45 62258
8 31 11200
9 31 4019
10 30 7331
11 18 2274
12 26 1787
13 16 1502
14 45 24598
15 16 2808
16 16 3951
17 19 3269
18 40 14081
19 9 1822
20 34 4019
21 27 8339
22 33 4517
23 33 124565
24 4 417
25 10 1040
26 30 5500
27 9 1318
28 30 9805
29 7 348
30 7 220
31 22 14444
32 22 1588
33 26 918
34 4 403
35 4 967
36 16 5000
37 16 3207
38 25 2137
39 24 1911
40 14 2170
41 19 2821
42 18 3292
43 17 1209
44 17 2538
45 16 712
46 16 704
47 16 2105
48 15 1299
49 13 900
50 13 2219
51 12 970
52 11 480
53 9 611
54 8 1481
55 1 374
56 7 602
57 7 657
58 7 150
59 6 575
60 6 267
61 6 477
62 6 445
63 5 153
64 5 398
65 4 138
66 4 457
67 4 147
68 4 921
69 4 497
70 4 651
71 3 189
72 3 225
73 3 527
74 3 636
75 2 208
76 2 69
77 2 99
78 2 1435
79 2 182
80 2 394
81 2 344
82 1 254
83 1 74
84 1 129
85 1 113
86 1 297
87 1 90
88 1 172
89 1 93
90 1 102

nordnorsk musikk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular nordnorsk musikk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.