
Genre: talentkonkurranse

Play genre

Talentkonkurranse is a Norwegian music genre that features soulful and emotive vocals, accompanied by acoustic guitar and piano. The lyrics often explore themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery. The genre is known for its raw and honest approach to storytelling, with a focus on the personal experiences of the artists. The music is characterized by its stripped-down instrumentation and intimate performances, creating a sense of vulnerability and authenticity.

Most popular talentkonkurranse artists

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Popular talentkonkurranse Songs

talentkonkurranse music by decade

Explore talentkonkurranse history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of talentkonkurranse artists

Here is a list of talentkonkurranse artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the talentkonkurranse genre. You can find out what talentkonkurranse genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 657957
2 43 60607
3 41 31973
4 38 15921
5 38 18158
6 35 3753
7 33 20774
8 32 4350
9 30 1195
10 30 1825
11 30 2362
12 30 2093
13 29 3116
14 29 2782
15 28 6308
16 28 8346
17 27 4207
18 26 1055
19 24 5903
20 23 726
21 23 2881
22 23 575
23 23 4090
24 23 9383
25 23 1150
26 22 2552
27 22 1038
28 21 494
29 21 527
30 21 767
31 21 1189
32 20 3088
33 19 897
34 19 402
35 19 2064
36 18 670
37 18 1122
38 18 470
39 18 929
40 18 701
41 18 870
42 18 2384
43 18 1243
44 17 1075
45 17 863
46 17 1210
47 17 416
48 17 3095
49 16 1071
50 16 1412
51 15 687
52 15 2744
53 15 2251
54 15 285
55 15 194
56 14 3292
57 14 466
58 14 202
59 14 1274
60 14 206
61 14 818
62 13 1661
63 13 1560
64 13 120
65 13 44
66 13 139
67 13 424
68 13 369
69 13 1882
70 13 786
71 12 412
72 11 677
73 12 637
74 12 235
75 12 289
76 12 226
77 12 822
78 12 30
79 11 170
80 11 2367
81 11 265
82 11 1123
83 10 338
84 10 506
85 10 218
86 10 780
87 10 574
88 10 36
89 10 230
90 10 92
91 10 347
92 9 193
93 9 461
94 9 48
95 9 288
96 9 94
97 9 599
98 9 190
99 8 568
100 8 1076

talentkonkurranse playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular talentkonkurranse music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.