
Genre: norrlandsk hip hop

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Parent Genre: Hip Hop

Norrlandsk hip hop is a sub-genre of Swedish hip hop that originated in the northern region of Norrland. It is characterized by its unique blend of trap beats and melancholic melodies, often incorporating elements of traditional Swedish folk music. The lyrics often touch on themes of isolation, nature, and the struggles of living in a remote area. The artists who represent this genre have gained popularity in recent years, bringing attention to the unique sound and style of Norrlandsk hip hop.

Most popular norrlandsk hip hop artists

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Popular norrlandsk hip hop Songs

Top New norrlandsk hip hop Songs of 2024

norrlandsk hip hop music by decade

Explore norrlandsk hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of norrlandsk hip hop artists

Here is a list of norrlandsk hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the norrlandsk hip hop genre. You can find out what norrlandsk hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 44 33240
2 41 4294
3 39 14336
4 33 10598
5 37 5367
6 32 8694
7 31 5457
8 30 3153
9 46 10232
10 40 75373
11 28 8203
12 28 9608
13 28 2930
14 28 1025
15 25 2656
16 24 1515
17 18 7050
18 20 7073
19 34 6045
20 22 4577
21 25 6115
22 7 675
23 23 682
24 21 1426
25 21 403
26 19 715
27 16 97
28 15 874
29 15 520
30 12 613
31 10 232
32 13 435
33 13 1630
34 13 361
35 12 312
36 12 1167
37 10 1650
38 9 662
39 9 426
40 9 980
41 6 555
42 8 155
43 8 1122
44 7 486
45 7 1480
46 7 568
47 7 845
48 6 78
49 6 101
50 6 297
51 6 304
52 6 351
53 5 123
54 5 129
55 5 93
56 5 258
57 5 78
58 5 389
59 5 298
60 5 233
61 5 221
62 4 65
63 4 68
64 4 159
65 3 344
66 3 694
67 3 115
68 2 263
69 2 291
70 2 309
71 2 439
72 2 443
73 2 117
74 1 99
75 1 98
76 1 237
77 1 97
78 1 113
79 1 143
80 1 236
81 1 151
82 1 181
83 1 185
84 1 426
85 1 279
86 1 215
87 1 458
88 1 173
89 1 248
90 1 78
91 1 85
92 1 326

norrlandsk hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular norrlandsk hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.