
Genre: norteno

Play genre

Norteño music is a popular genre that originated in northern Mexico and is characterized by the use of accordion and bajo sexto. It often features upbeat rhythms and lyrics that tell stories of love, heartbreak, and life in rural areas. Fuerza Regida, Grupo Firme, and Grupo Marca Registrada are all contemporary norteño bands that have gained popularity in recent years for their modern take on the traditional genre. Their music often incorporates elements of other genres, such as hip hop and trap, and features lyrics that address current social and political issues.

Most popular norteno artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Norteno genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 3975
2024 479
2023 1105
2022 901
2021 744
2020 746
2010s 3419
2019 537
2018 483
2017 459
2016 406
2015 401
2014 280
2013 255
2012 228
2011 168
2010 202
2000s 1640
2009 221
2008 206
2007 174
2006 158
2005 167
2004 129
2003 134
2002 128
2001 207
2000 116
1990s 831
1999 192
1998 103
1997 108
1996 97
1995 91
1994 55
1993 56
1992 47
1991 55
1990 27
1980s 190
1989 25
1988 23
1987 22
1986 18
1985 25
1984 29
1983 13
1982 13
1981 8
1980 14
1970s 57
1979 4
1978 11
1977 4
1976 8
1975 7
1974 3
1973 5
1972 5
1971 3
1970 7
1960s 18
1969 4
1968 5
1966 2
1965 4
1963 1
1960 2
1950s 5
1958 1
1951 1
1950 3
10135 releases

Popular norteno Songs

Top New norteno Songs of 2024

norteno music by decade

Explore norteno history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of norteno artists

Here is a list of norteno artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the norteno genre. You can find out what norteno genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 80 9034871
2 66 1610898
3 71 4426267
4 68 1516039
5 68 3156609
6 69 4213105
7 65 1549333
8 76 11517652
9 75 2058091
10 74 7917942
11 73 4162757
12 73 2945787
13 71 3114613
14 68 3532988
15 70 1669155
16 68 1852051
17 67 4489416
18 63 1346117
19 64 2713696
20 76 3367711
21 74 6208649
22 71 5038069
23 81 13458119
24 68 2671574
25 64 1749963
26 79 10429025
27 83 6458204
28 68 1498849
29 66 1901091
30 73 2596774
31 63 414254
32 64 1257882
33 78 6096545
34 64 841298
35 68 3922058
36 69 1228574
37 64 782748
38 70 2143456
39 68 1064866
40 81 17729100
41 69 1214402
42 80 7274619
43 73 1937169
44 73 3922335
45 63 613368
46 65 2425433
47 64 1140993
48 65 2121019
49 67 3621355
50 64 1085241
51 64 1295506
52 73 3131875
53 63 1876018
54 75 2391541
55 73 3927924
56 69 1812779
57 72 2719954
58 73 6227213
59 72 2194083
60 65 957602
61 67 1477301
62 68 681384
63 68 4496422
64 65 846210
65 68 2185632
66 67 2242507
67 66 2960391
68 63 421656
69 64 1053228
70 64 1539153
71 63 1428168
72 63 3275342
73 67 602378
74 62 1225510
75 67 1172561
76 65 1104738
77 75 3770877
78 64 1122505
79 63 1411794
80 69 2143317
81 67 1226658
82 67 1168115
83 71 3363850
84 62 610921
85 66 2220602
86 65 1325754
87 67 2137981
88 64 582417
89 67 552683
90 68 455215
91 63 1356541
92 70 1071549
93 80 4805662
94 65 1440680
95 70 1705706
96 71 799599
97 63 480894
98 64 986502
99 64 526745
100 67 91799

norteno playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular norteno music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.