
Genre norwegian pop

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Norwegian pop music is a genre that is characterized by its catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and heartfelt lyrics. It often incorporates elements of electronic and indie music, creating a unique and modern sound. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists from Norway making waves on the international music scene. The music is known for its emotional depth, with themes ranging from love and heartbreak to social and political issues. It is often associated with the Norwegian music show "Hver gang vi møtes," which brings together some of the country's most talented musicians to perform each other's songs. (AI Generated)

Most popular norwegian pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Norwegian Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 4509
2025 18
2024 784
2023 1323
2022 887
2021 769
2020 728
2010s 3318
2019 636
2018 544
2017 446
2016 389
2015 320
2014 261
2013 251
2012 180
2011 155
2010 136
2000s 828
2009 103
2008 113
2007 104
2006 88
2005 89
2004 75
2003 71
2002 65
2001 64
2000 56
1990s 447
1999 59
1998 32
1997 55
1996 53
1995 52
1994 50
1993 37
1992 38
1991 35
1990 36
1980s 222
1989 24
1988 31
1987 22
1986 19
1985 19
1984 16
1983 22
1982 23
1981 23
1980 23
1970s 112
1979 17
1978 11
1977 14
1976 17
1975 14
1974 13
1973 6
1972 10
1971 6
1970 4
1960s 7
1969 1
1967 3
1966 2
1964 1
9443 releases

norwegian pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular norwegian pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular norwegian pop Songs

Top New norwegian pop Songs of 2024

norwegian pop music by decade

Explore norwegian pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of norwegian pop artists

Here is a list of norwegian pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the norwegian pop genre. You can find out what norwegian pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 71006
2 56 28375
3 53 136027
4 45 7607
5 45 18061
6 66 42589
7 51 21296
8 59 171528
9 50 90085
10 57 33209
11 47 53963
12 47 12483
13 47 32992
14 45 10936
15 54 240707
16 44 13065
17 52 311925
18 52 33906
19 52 33703
20 51 15895
21 51 11739
22 50 52873
23 49 14382
24 49 60584
25 47 56972
26 46 76045
27 74 4185629
28 52 101969
29 62 190266
30 45 30834
31 44 53132
32 44 8433
33 44 133820
34 45 7368
35 43 33294
36 43 14515
37 43 18079
38 43 61474
39 42 9081
40 42 8570
41 43 25195
42 65 1364338
43 50 29392
44 58 221592
45 61 186788
46 46 52721
47 58 792817
48 52 59884
49 58 113694
50 58 151930
51 57 712406
52 50 114516
53 55 51153
54 52 488738
55 55 25250
56 55 91693
57 52 243736
58 48 136199
59 54 176698
60 53 181452
61 45 136858
62 47 85291
63 44 94139
64 44 25506
65 50 67860
66 49 101763
67 49 63633
68 49 143439
69 49 46995
70 49 72250
71 45 75786
72 49 176358
73 45 40731
74 48 34705
75 48 21618
76 48 34660
77 48 40491
78 44 43818
79 47 181705
80 46 180218
81 46 76924
82 46 30306
83 45 147774
84 45 29465
85 45 25562
86 45 30609
87 45 26083
88 43 24316
89 44 77025
90 43 75550
91 43 39379
92 43 82753
93 43 30956
94 43 36765
95 43 45437
96 43 175289
97 42 7343
98 42 63373
99 42 6804
100 42 68943