
Genre: norwegian prog

Play genre

Norwegian prog music is a genre that combines elements of progressive rock, psychedelic rock, and post-rock to create a unique sound that is both atmospheric and complex. It often features intricate guitar work, soaring vocals, and long, epic compositions that take the listener on a journey through different moods and emotions. This genre is known for its use of unconventional time signatures, complex arrangements, and experimental soundscapes. The bands that fall under this genre are known for their ability to create music that is both challenging and rewarding, and their ability to push the boundaries of what is possible in rock music. (AI Generated)

Most popular norwegian prog artists

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Parent Genre: rock

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Instruments used

Flute, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Double Bass, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Saxophone, Trumpet, Piano, Trombone, Clarinet

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Norwegian Prog genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 96
2024 14
2023 23
2022 17
2021 17
2020 25
2010s 76
2019 12
2018 9
2017 10
2016 9
2015 5
2014 6
2013 6
2012 4
2011 8
2010 7
2000s 33
2009 7
2007 6
2006 5
2005 5
2004 2
2003 2
2002 1
2001 2
2000 3
1990s 14
1998 1
1997 1
1996 2
1994 4
1993 2
1992 1
1990 3
1980s 2
1980 2
1970s 15
1977 1
1974 4
1973 4
1972 2
1971 2
1970 2
1960s 2
1966 2
238 releases

Popular norwegian prog Songs

Top New norwegian prog Songs of 2024

norwegian prog music by decade

Explore norwegian prog history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of norwegian prog artists

Here is a list of norwegian prog artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the norwegian prog genre. You can find out what norwegian prog genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 36 51578
2 45 38152
3 35 51685
4 30 55461
5 32 1671
6 21 8101
7 26 22837
8 25 27227
9 10 4077
10 9 2607
11 26 11005
12 23 7970
13 18 18773
14 14 10410
15 2 719
16 10 759
17 19 3321
18 21 9384
19 5 1669
20 4 1133
21 16 735
22 1 1142
23 9 3497
24 3 1523
25 9 2733
26 3 1367
27 3 826
28 15 1331
29 6 1493
30 14 1497
31 14 2758
32 1 370
33 1 617
34 13 2001
35 6 4580
36 12 2604
37 11 846
38 10 4041
39 11 177
40 11 3335
41 10 945
42 10 1282
43 8 1316
44 8 2079
45 9 1023
46 2 840
47 8 1577
48 8 839
49 4 606
50 6 3598
51 7 837
52 7 287
53 7 878
54 7 623
55 6 378
56 6 2988
57 6 897
58 6 1879
59 2 1614
60 5 248
61 5 286
62 4 291
63 4 267
64 4 272
65 2 1755
66 3 303
67 1 640
68 3 1149
69 1 305
70 2 555
71 1 526
72 2 291
73 1 150
74 1 326
75 1 526
76 1 352
77 1 292
78 1 203
79 1 417
80 1 370
81 1 215
82 1 560

norwegian prog playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular norwegian prog music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.