
Genre: norwegian punk rock

Play genre

Norwegian punk rock is a high-energy and rebellious genre that combines elements of punk, rock, and metal. It often features fast-paced guitar riffs, heavy drum beats, and aggressive vocals. The lyrics are typically politically charged and confrontational, addressing issues such as social inequality and government corruption. This genre has gained popularity in Norway in recent years, with bands like Turbonegro, Oslo Ess, and Honningbarna leading the charge. Their music is known for its raw intensity and unapologetic attitude, making them a favorite among fans of punk rock worldwide.

Most popular norwegian punk rock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Norwegian Punk Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 93
2024 16
2023 32
2022 15
2021 14
2020 16
2010s 134
2019 18
2018 27
2017 15
2016 18
2015 14
2014 9
2013 14
2012 9
2011 8
2010 2
2000s 17
2009 1
2008 2
2007 3
2005 2
2004 2
2003 3
2002 2
2000 2
1990s 7
1998 2
1997 1
1996 1
1994 1
1992 2
251 releases

Popular norwegian punk rock Songs

Top New norwegian punk rock Songs of 2024

norwegian punk rock music by decade

Explore norwegian punk rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of norwegian punk rock artists

Here is a list of norwegian punk rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the norwegian punk rock genre. You can find out what norwegian punk rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 44 156430
2 31 34705
3 30 25570
4 38 24785
5 34 28084
6 33 16865
7 32 6426
8 33 23682
9 28 3686
10 25 11512
11 19 1778
12 16 4356
13 16 1632
14 25 2305
15 13 2046
16 12 922
17 19 1482
18 18 1720
19 17 2347
20 14 908
21 4 710
22 13 2195
23 13 563
24 13 951
25 3 480
26 12 2074
27 12 691
28 1 538
29 10 671
30 1 672
31 1 438
32 9 300
33 9 502
34 7 1381
35 6 469
36 6 954
37 6 1047
38 5 644
39 5 1037
40 4 52
41 4 385
42 3 358
43 3 424
44 3 486
45 3 673
46 3 164
47 3 327
48 3 334
49 3 308
50 3 482
51 2 349
52 2 157
53 2 1365
54 1 438
55 1 100
56 1 703
57 1 693
58 1 897
59 1 572
60 1 255
61 1 115
62 1 589
63 1 192
64 1 492
65 1 270
66 1 261
67 1 296
68 1 231
69 1 256
70 1 260
71 1 534
72 1 245
73 1 275
74 1 184

norwegian punk rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular norwegian punk rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.