
Genre nu jazz

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Nu jazz is a genre that blends traditional jazz elements with electronic music, creating a unique sound that incorporates elements of funk, soul, and hip-hop. It often features complex rhythms and improvisation, while also incorporating electronic instruments and production techniques. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists incorporating live instrumentation and vocals to create a more organic sound. (AI Generated)

Most popular nu jazz artists

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Parent Genre: jazz

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Instruments used

Drum Kit, Piano, Saxophone, Double Bass, Trombone, Clarinet, Trumpet, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Horn Section, Synthesizer, Organ

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Nu Jazz genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2785
2025 8
2024 521
2023 812
2022 580
2021 427
2020 437
2010s 2167
2019 351
2018 298
2017 262
2016 212
2015 171
2014 184
2013 164
2012 178
2011 178
2010 169
2000s 1214
2009 170
2008 202
2007 175
2006 145
2005 102
2004 96
2003 93
2002 82
2001 78
2000 71
1990s 224
1999 59
1998 43
1997 33
1996 33
1995 24
1994 11
1993 8
1992 5
1991 6
1990 2
1980s 4
1989 1
1988 1
1986 2
1970s 1
1976 1
6395 releases

nu jazz playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular nu jazz music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular nu jazz Songs

Top New nu jazz Songs of 2024

nu jazz music by decade

Explore nu jazz history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of nu jazz artists

Here is a list of nu jazz artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the nu jazz genre. You can find out what nu jazz genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 115603
2 49 144976
3 59 372382
4 43 38643
5 44 166286
6 43 108450
7 55 495991
8 43 107806
9 48 113910
10 48 152571
11 45 240607
12 42 68167
13 43 30034
14 41 66302
15 51 146450
16 53 315187
17 53 685691
18 62 1433155
19 50 328929
20 44 44170
21 49 164790
22 49 70089
23 46 104133
24 46 41298
25 43 262864
26 45 366656
27 52 78629
28 44 185166
29 42 101606
30 42 46754
31 42 28340
32 46 79212
33 51 27671
34 44 34419
35 63 721744
36 46 89447
37 49 282373
38 43 25095
39 44 5378
40 49 50665
41 46 60918
42 42 29303
43 45 72889
44 43 42057
45 42 22433
46 41 27972
47 43 18751
48 50 91953
49 60 1083302
50 59 1116685
51 44 35015
52 53 66238
53 47 731773
54 41 56570
55 57 478043
56 51 39227
57 58 305611
58 51 405155
59 45 96947
60 53 495613
61 41 125624
62 41 1696
63 45 254384
64 43 6400
65 40 77505
66 49 79728
67 48 25463
68 49 40709
69 43 54127
70 47 107164
71 42 58250
72 52 803690
73 57 299538
74 42 53162
75 43 53672
76 43 86931
77 42 15783
78 47 177435
79 45 11131
80 43 169006
81 43 106313
82 42 50488
83 42 14622
84 48 571890
85 47 52089
86 47 86689
87 44 77556
88 47 20331
89 41 44001
90 45 15046
91 43 35323
92 44 149544
93 43 200455
94 43 595
95 43 26810
96 41 359
97 41 52132
98 41 12596
99 41 3052
100 41 56454