
Genre nursery

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Nursery music is a genre of music that is specifically designed for young children. It includes popular nursery rhymes such as "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb," as well as original songs created for children. Nursery music is often used in educational settings to help children learn basic concepts such as counting, colors, and shapes. It is also used in baby sensory classes to stimulate and engage young children. Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhyme Friends is a popular YouTube channel that features animated nursery rhymes, while Baby Sensory is a program that uses music and other sensory experiences to promote early childhood development. (AI Generated)

Most popular nursery artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Nursery genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 332
2024 48
2023 82
2022 74
2021 42
2020 86
2010s 492
2019 37
2018 87
2017 31
2016 39
2015 59
2014 36
2013 73
2012 52
2011 55
2010 23
2000s 106
2009 16
2008 22
2006 8
2005 11
2004 16
2003 20
2002 5
2001 2
2000 6
1990s 42
1999 13
1998 1
1997 21
1996 3
1993 2
1991 1
1990 1
1980s 6
1988 2
1986 2
1985 2
1960s 2
1966 2
980 releases

nursery playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular nursery music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular nursery Songs

Top New nursery Songs of 2024

nursery music by decade

Explore nursery history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of nursery artists

Here is a list of nursery artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the nursery genre. You can find out what nursery genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 65 105479
2 62 76326
3 50 22056
4 44 10537
5 40 4695
6 41 2199
7 41 3490
8 41 13696
9 40 9262
10 40 13980
11 66 42288
12 39 2982
13 38 8117
14 38 4061
15 63 91327
16 35 3910
17 33 14122
18 32 6708
19 59 31535
20 57 34580
21 53 16257
22 51 43412
23 24 3082
24 24 4097
25 49 18126
26 45 11120
27 41 2972
28 40 11100
29 14 6319
30 70 82366
31 37 8729
32 34 11209
33 29 3737
34 52 22924
35 51 30143
36 23 2588
37 50 18531
38 49 9467
39 19 1775
40 18 9057
41 45 16661
42 41 12756
43 41 12008
44 15 4528
45 13 2069
46 12 1487
47 6 6189
48 38 6306
49 37 2656
50 37 20425
51 9 560
52 32 4951
53 32 9779
54 31 7320
55 29 5275
56 28 562
57 28 5385
58 25 1547
59 25 532
60 24 1668
61 23 3987
62 23 1582
63 22 2564
64 19 903
65 19 4191
66 18 6125
67 17 977
68 14 1722
69 14 2427
70 13 1092
71 11 2519
72 11 1174
73 9 2118
74 8 2448
75 8 1050
76 6 6372
77 5 2183
78 5 511
79 4 495
80 4 462
81 4 12937
82 4 1244
83 3 3300
84 3 123
85 2 273
86 2 1685
87 2 4505
88 2 168
89 1 7410
90 1 1163