
Genre: nwobhm

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

The New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) was a music movement that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the UK. It was characterized by fast-paced, guitar-driven heavy metal with a focus on melody and powerful vocals. The genre was known for its raw, energetic sound and DIY ethos, with many bands self-releasing their music and touring extensively. The NWOBHM had a significant impact on the development of heavy metal, and its influence can still be heard in modern metal music.

Most popular nwobhm artists

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Popular nwobhm Songs

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nwobhm music by decade

Explore nwobhm history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

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List of nwobhm artists

Here is a list of nwobhm artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the nwobhm genre. You can find out what nwobhm genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 72 8857779
2 70 4843932
3 51 582334
4 44 515209
5 37 175311
6 29 84428
7 23 68321
8 29 89150
9 35 59719
10 26 40076
11 36 86102
12 30 48779
13 29 18637
14 29 35735
15 23 31664
16 25 41151
17 17 6958
18 23 12246
19 21 21097
20 21 21352
21 19 7124
22 19 5165
23 18 24179
24 17 13735
25 17 9370
26 14 7228
27 15 24910
28 14 12799
29 14 10144
30 14 5851
31 13 5320
32 13 3452
33 10 6425
34 11 6268
35 11 10802
36 11 3454
37 10 12603
38 9 2742
39 9 9106
40 6 2833
41 8 7664
42 8 4217
43 6 2432
44 7 5762
45 7 5109
46 7 4563
47 7 1887
48 6 1099
49 6 1534
50 5 2412
51 6 713
52 6 4829
53 6 1032
54 5 1054
55 5 5667
56 3 1194
57 3 1796
58 4 3465
59 4 1078
60 4 2087
61 4 891
62 1 2459
63 3 1994
64 3 736
65 3 2407
66 3 983
67 3 754
68 3 819
69 2 481
70 2 465
71 2 583
72 2 542
73 2 751
74 2 629
75 2 300
76 1 466
77 1 654
78 1 836
79 1 471
80 1 1298
81 1 221
82 1 706

nwobhm playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular nwobhm music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.