
Genre: ohio hip hop

Play genre

Ohio hip hop music is a genre that blends elements of rap, R&B, and soul to create a unique sound that is both gritty and melodic. It often features introspective lyrics that touch on themes of struggle, perseverance, and triumph. The beats are typically hard-hitting and bass-heavy, with a focus on catchy hooks and memorable choruses. Ohio hip hop has produced some of the most influential and successful artists in the genre, who have gone on to achieve worldwide fame and critical acclaim. (AI Generated)

Most popular ohio hip hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ohio Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 302
2024 55
2023 79
2022 66
2021 45
2020 57
2010s 293
2019 72
2018 54
2017 45
2016 21
2015 22
2014 12
2013 16
2012 17
2011 19
2010 15
2000s 64
2009 25
2008 6
2007 5
2006 6
2005 7
2004 2
2003 2
2002 5
2001 2
2000 4
1990s 11
1999 1
1997 4
1996 3
1995 2
1994 1
670 releases

Popular ohio hip hop Songs

Top New ohio hip hop Songs of 2024

ohio hip hop music by decade

Explore ohio hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ohio hip hop artists

Here is a list of ohio hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ohio hip hop genre. You can find out what ohio hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 78 7389126
2 76 5455922
3 57 372700
4 55 201290
5 51 264499
6 53 324079
7 48 23050
8 46 50947
9 43 209995
10 39 334849
11 40 194442
12 41 146199
13 36 20209
14 35 92423
15 32 34186
16 33 39828
17 32 4007
18 25 22304
19 25 11796
20 25 5265
21 24 24932
22 24 2083
23 24 2028
24 23 2364
25 23 5517
26 23 8439
27 23 1225
28 22 5424
29 21 7015
30 21 4103
31 19 99991
32 18 4466
33 18 5990
34 18 866
35 17 2672
36 15 1721
37 15 11741
38 15 370
39 15 6189
40 14 1047
41 14 3571
42 14 6517
43 10 10938
44 12 998
45 12 1621
46 10 757
47 10 1348
48 10 3947
49 9 894
50 9 1449
51 9 3284
52 9 1870
53 8 1040
54 8 1277
55 6 1235
56 6 271
57 6 60075
58 6 270
59 5 744
60 5 201
61 5 2974
62 4 1297
63 4 368
64 4 361
65 4 1205
66 4 222
67 3 125
68 3 258
69 3 991
70 2 72963
71 2 275
72 2 2
73 2 65
74 2 635
75 2 295
76 1 97
77 1 2395
78 1 217
79 1 291
80 1 567
81 1 109
82 1 51
83 1 356
84 1 1753
85 1 0

ohio hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ohio hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.