
Genre: okinawan pop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Okinawan pop music is a genre that combines elements of J-pop, rock, and traditional Okinawan music. It is known for its upbeat and catchy melodies, as well as its use of electronic instruments and synthesizers. The lyrics often focus on themes of love, relationships, and youth culture. Okinawan pop music has gained popularity both in Japan and internationally, with many artists achieving mainstream success.

Most popular okinawan pop artists

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Popular okinawan pop Songs

Top New okinawan pop Songs of 2024

okinawan pop music by decade

Explore okinawan pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of okinawan pop artists

Here is a list of okinawan pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the okinawan pop genre. You can find out what okinawan pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 52 1190450
2 55 514265
3 52 754493
4 47 143681
5 51 508478
6 46 188432
7 46 167934
8 45 362990
9 47 297583
10 41 73507
11 41 1551584
12 44 267400
13 50 161641
14 41 180847
15 34 68421
16 44 48310
17 40 75899
18 39 47215
19 45 164491
20 44 56847
21 44 249601
22 40 11206
23 35 47227
24 28 7138
25 34 6391
26 36 15952
27 19 2608
28 31 17298
29 29 63105
30 18 1940
31 18 1747
32 23 4388
33 27 6161
34 25 4078
35 27 14494
36 13 5810
37 25 4389
38 10 1534
39 8 2019
40 18 6984
41 19 3494
42 17 3298
43 18 2817
44 15 12594
45 17 2997
46 5 298
47 15 1089
48 14 1082
49 7 2164
50 3 101
51 1 247

okinawan pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular okinawan pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.