
Genre: old school thrash

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

Old school thrash music is a subgenre of heavy metal that emerged in the early 1980s. It is characterized by fast and aggressive guitar riffs, pounding drums, and intense vocals. The lyrics often deal with social and political issues, as well as personal struggles. The genre gained popularity with bands like Metallica, Megadeth, and Pantera, who helped define the sound and style of thrash metal. Their music is known for its raw energy, technical proficiency, and uncompromising attitude. Today, old school thrash remains a beloved and influential genre among metal fans around the world.

Most popular old school thrash artists

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Related instruments

Bass Guitar, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer

Popular old school thrash Songs

Top New old school thrash Songs of 2024

old school thrash music by decade

Explore old school thrash history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of old school thrash artists

Here is a list of old school thrash artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the old school thrash genre. You can find out what old school thrash genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 1881775
2 67 3844728
3 53 749758
4 56 1634397
5 70 5219310
6 47 451106
7 57 1207525
8 54 707192
9 81 26727982
10 50 726580
11 46 360276
12 45 557771
13 44 515209
14 58 1057608
15 45 376892
16 35 146423
17 69 4897180
18 39 212263
19 36 271289
20 46 380208
21 42 359098
22 33 113470
23 34 106331
24 41 214810
25 27 69875
26 42 109044
27 40 169137
28 39 239711
29 30 77893
30 35 107165
31 28 79912
32 36 197835
33 37 73571
34 13 13163
35 30 92780
36 30 91812
37 29 153235
38 28 61695
39 46 295136
40 33 136191
41 30 75253
42 33 59940
43 32 88499
44 42 168555
45 20 62925
46 41 174477
47 44 229274
48 28 117149
49 39 103269
50 27 78869
51 38 104731
52 33 108400
53 41 71380
54 23 27635
55 14 13036
56 26 20391
57 20 19026
58 24 41002
59 15 7062
60 28 50593
61 16 8916
62 18 20464
63 20 13506
64 27 8433
65 18 20873
66 21 19453
67 12 7726
68 14 25661
69 28 30271
70 12 9462
71 24 29034
72 22 41954
73 26 32179
74 24 22300
75 25 34755
76 17 21466
77 26 14485
78 15 10055
79 15 9029
80 26 26936
81 15 16963
82 23 41758
83 12 15020
84 15 17466
85 21 8436
86 23 5910
87 21 5934
88 18 5742
89 19 28164
90 18 18133
91 17 28232
92 15 7072
93 15 11144
94 17 25865
95 12 5905
96 13 8715
97 13 6417
98 12 4240
99 12 10233
100 12 20630

old school thrash playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular old school thrash music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.