
Genre: oldschool deutschrap

Play genre

Oldschool Deutschrap is a genre of German hip-hop music that emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It is characterized by its use of German language lyrics, heavy beats, and socially conscious themes. The genre was popularized by a group of pioneering artists who paved the way for future generations of German rappers. Oldschool Deutschrap is known for its energetic and upbeat sound, as well as its focus on social commentary and political issues.

Most popular oldschool deutschrap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Oldschool Deutschrap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 72
2024 15
2023 29
2022 10
2021 8
2020 10
2010s 109
2019 7
2018 9
2017 7
2016 10
2015 15
2014 17
2013 10
2012 10
2011 6
2010 18
2000s 150
2009 7
2008 10
2007 14
2006 19
2005 20
2004 10
2003 21
2002 6
2001 24
2000 19
1990s 47
1999 12
1998 11
1997 5
1996 5
1995 4
1994 3
1993 2
1992 2
1991 2
1990 1
378 releases

Popular oldschool deutschrap Songs

Top New oldschool deutschrap Songs of 2024

oldschool deutschrap music by decade

Explore oldschool deutschrap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of oldschool deutschrap artists

Here is a list of oldschool deutschrap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the oldschool deutschrap genre. You can find out what oldschool deutschrap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 427779
2 52 372264
3 49 321794
4 42 167510
5 54 639171
6 35 63243
7 51 87513
8 40 72505
9 39 61964
10 35 90776
11 33 25465
12 33 57036
13 48 48414
14 40 148414
15 30 20587
16 46 98999
17 30 20307
18 44 14480
19 38 0
20 34 30641
21 34 59376
22 22 2191
23 22 13965
24 25 18157
25 27 19268
26 33 6315
27 32 18397
28 24 15360
29 31 7027
30 23 7541
31 31 20465
32 31 30527
33 31 25886
34 30 1940
35 13 3248
36 29 13561
37 28 27925
38 27 38816
39 27 18405
40 10 4055
41 25 15997
42 8 3656
43 19 4257
44 22 6257
45 23 7323
46 23 7884
47 23 9786
48 22 10249
49 22 8829
50 21 414
51 4 3905
52 21 3521
53 21 13507
54 17 5532
55 21 14746
56 20 6397
57 19 629
58 19 19516
59 19 23438
60 18 404
61 18 3296
62 18 11865
63 17 5024
64 17 15044
65 16 6650
66 16 1483
67 16 5887
68 15 7429
69 15 28562
70 15 1377
71 14 8588
72 14 941
73 14 4746
74 14 2592
75 13 5968
76 13 1426
77 11 3556
78 11 3300
79 10 345
80 10 128
81 9 281
82 8 1144
83 8 3396
84 8 10203
85 7 198
86 7 3081
87 5 2631
88 5 1609
89 5 1184
90 5 634
91 4 205
92 4 834
93 4 75
94 4 1315
95 2 1064
96 2 659
97 2 2056
98 1 18
99 1 471
100 1 1385

oldschool deutschrap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular oldschool deutschrap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.