
Genre: orchestra

Play genre

Parent Genre: classical

Orchestra music performed by three world-renowned orchestras, known for their exceptional musicianship and captivating performances. The music is characterized by its rich and complex sound, created by a large ensemble of instruments playing together in harmony. The orchestras are known for their diverse repertoire, ranging from classical masterpieces to contemporary works, and for their ability to transport audiences to new emotional heights through their music.

Most popular orchestra artists

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Popular orchestra Songs

Most popular orchestra albums

Music From the Films of Marlon Brando
Disney Goes Classical
Dvorak - New World Symphony
When Marnie Was There Soundtrack Music Collection
BOND for Orchestra
A History Of Scotland
The Complete Brahms Symphonies

orchestra music by decade

Explore orchestra history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of orchestra artists

Here is a list of orchestra artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the orchestra genre. You can find out what orchestra genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 71 209662
2 73 295443
3 67 130022
4 49 20438
5 68 151772
6 53 18075
7 51 2136
8 65 66764
9 57 34969
10 50 16966
11 64 236122
12 47 7008
13 55 12679
14 54 71923
15 44 6656
16 48 19152
17 56 38933
18 47 5552
19 45 2983
20 54 21995
21 57 105192
22 63 119691
23 43 3170
24 53 14964
25 52 45803
26 47 14096
27 38 6625
28 44 4512
29 54 8839
30 54 60182
31 57 9062
32 47 10077
33 46 8407
34 47 1916
35 45 13693
36 45 4036
37 52 13777
38 44 7448
39 41 5039
40 46 4267
41 51 18451
42 44 10856
43 49 28101
44 42 2302
45 42 5300
46 48 11459
47 41 1360
48 57 11952
49 40 585
50 44 8349
51 46 4202
52 49 21199
53 39 391
54 50 13665
55 38 4842
56 45 27400
57 50 9759
58 51 13663
59 50 3079
60 37 6256
61 37 9653
62 37 10410
63 53 12881
64 48 20778
65 52 12038
66 42 9850
67 42 4181
68 50 2342
69 50 21321
70 44 13163
71 44 2582
72 45 5103
73 47 6597
74 42 2550
75 37 5345
76 46 1848
77 40 2294
78 46 2696
79 41 8891
80 45 13485
81 40 14746
82 45 2791
83 38 535
84 44 1158
85 41 6142
86 39 3376
87 41 619
88 39 1964
89 41 7135
90 41 1791
91 41 1022
92 39 943
93 39 2606
94 39 1815
95 38 3136
96 38 1692
97 37 6649
98 37 1002
99 37 411
100 36 4823

orchestra playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular orchestra music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.