
Genre: orthodox chant

Play genre

Orthodox chant music is a genre that is deeply rooted in religious traditions and is characterized by its solemn and meditative nature. It is often performed in monastic settings and is known for its use of unison singing, drone bass, and intricate harmonies. Nova Schola Gregoriana, Choeur des Bénédictins de l'Abbaye Sainte-Anne de Kergonan, and Ensemble harmonie géorgienne are all examples of groups that specialize in this genre and are known for their mastery of the ancient chants and hymns.

Most popular orthodox chant artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Orthodox Chant genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 32
2024 4
2023 6
2022 4
2021 9
2020 9
2010s 122
2019 12
2018 5
2017 9
2016 10
2015 9
2014 10
2013 18
2012 13
2011 23
2010 13
2000s 79
2009 2
2008 16
2007 16
2006 4
2005 7
2004 3
2003 5
2002 8
2001 12
2000 6
1990s 27
1999 3
1998 7
1997 4
1996 3
1995 5
1994 2
1993 2
1991 1
1980s 2
1989 1
1987 1
1970s 1
1972 1
263 releases

Popular orthodox chant Songs

Top New orthodox chant Songs of 2024

Most popular orthodox chant albums

When Eastern Byzantine Music Meets Western
The Eklogarion
Concert in Belgium (Greek Byzantine Choir conducted by Lykourgos Angelopoulos)
Agios Paisios O Agioreitis, Vol.3
Byzantine Hymns
Chants of the Roman Church
Anacheed Al Kanissa Al Orthodoxia

orthodox chant music by decade

Explore orthodox chant history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of orthodox chant artists

Here is a list of orthodox chant artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the orthodox chant genre. You can find out what orthodox chant genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 40 6565
2 35 4860
3 35 4398
4 33 10606
5 32 2448
6 32 3185
7 32 3859
8 35 4163
9 28 4550
10 27 1522
11 26 2501
12 25 1168
13 25 2142
14 24 2530
15 24 1890
16 21 1850
17 21 920
18 21 220
19 27 1134
20 20 2290
21 37 16095
22 37 577
23 36 4847
24 36 5354
25 29 3674
26 35 4770
27 35 2147
28 35 1175
29 16 662
30 33 7701
31 33 4575
32 25 1099
33 24 2497
34 32 697
35 23 1231
36 23 205
37 23 902
38 30 1225
39 30 267
40 30 541
41 30 706
42 20 1072
43 30 1708
44 29 3842
45 28 2031
46 27 1500
47 28 2981
48 28 4116
49 28 554
50 28 325
51 28 2633
52 28 1070
53 23 375
54 27 2792
55 24 409
56 27 2141
57 27 1607
58 27 289
59 26 2699
60 26 1040
61 22 289
62 22 563
63 25 1070
64 25 2305
65 25 408
66 24 244
67 24 579
68 24 2289
69 23 202
70 23 897
71 23 186
72 22 544
73 22 3672
74 19 349
75 18 2681
76 21 83
77 20 444
78 18 1279
79 19 1559
80 19 190
81 18 860
82 18 609
83 18 436
84 17 406
85 17 972
86 17 1126
87 16 579
88 16 419
89 16 716
90 15 214
91 15 364
92 15 366
93 15 471
94 15 164
95 15 80
96 15 390
97 15 1255
98 15 261
99 15 71
100 15 1076

orthodox chant playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular orthodox chant music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.