
Genre: ostrock

Play genre

Ostrock is a music genre that emerged in East Germany during the 1970s and 1980s. It is characterized by its blend of rock, pop, and folk music, often with political and social themes. The lyrics are often introspective and poetic, reflecting the struggles and experiences of life in a divided country. The music is known for its catchy melodies and driving rhythms, and has remained popular in Germany even after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Most popular ostrock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ostrock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 83
2024 11
2023 26
2022 18
2021 11
2020 17
2010s 166
2019 20
2018 13
2017 10
2016 25
2015 18
2014 8
2013 18
2012 19
2011 20
2010 15
2000s 142
2009 17
2008 21
2007 26
2006 11
2005 5
2004 12
2003 12
2002 17
2001 11
2000 10
1990s 145
1999 10
1998 12
1997 11
1996 16
1995 20
1994 31
1993 14
1992 11
1991 13
1990 7
1980s 96
1989 11
1988 11
1987 8
1986 17
1985 5
1984 12
1983 8
1982 11
1981 9
1980 4
1970s 22
1979 1
1978 5
1977 3
1976 3
1974 4
1972 3
1971 3
1960s 2
1969 1
1968 1
656 releases

Popular ostrock Songs

Top New ostrock Songs of 2024

ostrock music by decade

Explore ostrock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ostrock artists

Here is a list of ostrock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ostrock genre. You can find out what ostrock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 52 143738
2 50 136413
3 48 49376
4 49 108111
5 46 41476
6 41 78259
7 41 104847
8 50 205360
9 37 15589
10 46 45921
11 43 77841
12 40 63188
13 36 32110
14 36 26777
15 38 26726
16 33 11564
17 29 10292
18 29 17258
19 37 18856
20 36 69336
21 27 23348
22 33 25427
23 36 38701
24 24 12144
25 34 13478
26 21 14200
27 27 4913
28 29 12734
29 24 8070
30 28 12108
31 38 20213
32 20 6807
33 20 6030
34 34 9276
35 31 13700
36 20 1857
37 19 1969
38 17 5626
39 17 2776
40 16 2613
41 23 6121
42 6 223
43 15 2738
44 34 1435
45 14 1084
46 13 1207
47 13 846
48 27 4033
49 30 1335
50 29 10959
51 9 801
52 8 1034
53 8 1091
54 25 3910
55 5 864
56 5 629
57 24 9085
58 4 274
59 4 623
60 23 5589
61 21 6243
62 21 2403
63 20 4560
64 19 5752
65 18 5626
66 18 7450
67 17 3946
68 16 1766
69 15 2381
70 14 353
71 14 2924
72 14 1995
73 13 3052
74 12 1127
75 12 2021
76 12 1947
77 11 511
78 11 2095
79 10 372
80 9 1610
81 9 694
82 9 2226
83 9 305
84 8 1024
85 8 1224
86 7 514
87 6 3812
88 6 1080
89 6 141
90 6 1238
91 5 1601
92 5 273
93 5 185
94 5 687
95 5 1700
96 5 1928
97 4 719
98 5 291
99 4 565
100 4 747

ostrock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ostrock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.