
Genre: pagode baiano

Play genre

Pagode baiano is a popular music genre originating from the state of Bahia in Brazil. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, lively percussion, and catchy melodies. The genre often features call-and-response vocals and incorporates elements of samba, funk, and reggae. Pagode baiano has become increasingly popular in recent years, with its infectious rhythms and party atmosphere attracting a diverse audience.

Most popular pagode baiano artists

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Parent Genre: latin

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Horn Section, Synthesizer, Piano, Organ, Keyboard, Percussion

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Pagode Baiano genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 676
2024 57
2023 218
2022 181
2021 98
2020 122
2010s 277
2019 118
2018 47
2017 36
2016 20
2015 14
2014 22
2013 8
2012 4
2011 3
2010 5
2000s 40
2009 6
2008 2
2007 2
2006 7
2005 2
2004 4
2003 6
2002 1
2001 3
2000 7
1990s 10
1999 2
1998 2
1996 2
1994 2
1993 1
1991 1
1003 releases

Popular pagode baiano Songs

Top New pagode baiano Songs of 2024

pagode baiano music by decade

Explore pagode baiano history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pagode baiano artists

Here is a list of pagode baiano artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pagode baiano genre. You can find out what pagode baiano genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 82 12690262
2 78 7704177
3 70 2315309
4 61 1386920
5 57 534063
6 55 513824
7 48 510976
8 56 468444
9 56 916148
10 49 302333
11 58 44458
12 49 468352
13 49 252999
14 37 43858
15 36 49334
16 41 202731
17 44 168196
18 41 52496
19 43 119607
20 42 39192
21 39 37312
22 39 46987
23 39 43621
24 36 106389
25 38 85727
26 38 36341
27 37 39844
28 36 75118
29 36 31965
30 36 24488
31 33 13756
32 35 58631
33 35 20199
34 35 35864
35 34 20362
36 34 60989
37 33 16183
38 24 18393
39 32 13749
40 32 69375
41 31 7119
42 30 12870
43 30 29203
44 30 16676
45 29 1081
46 29 35431
47 28 44554
48 28 40233
49 28 9980
50 28 57950
51 27 60928
52 27 8851
53 26 18817
54 25 34088
55 25 5784
56 24 8976
57 22 12045
58 22 9061
59 21 19199
60 20 5045
61 19 1036
62 19 8117
63 17 4196
64 17 3991
65 17 3454
66 17 11024
67 16 18152
68 15 7975
69 15 10884
70 13 4827
71 13 2105
72 7 6168
73 7 5073
74 7 1091
75 6 584
76 6 21497
77 6 6234
78 5 2805
79 4 432
80 4 2437
81 3 507
82 2 1363
83 2 5433
84 1 1847
85 1 2394
86 1 1884
87 1 1049
88 1 1901

pagode baiano playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pagode baiano music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.