
Genre: panamanian rock

Play genre

Panamanian rock music is a vibrant and energetic genre that blends elements of punk, ska, and reggae. It is characterized by fast-paced rhythms, catchy melodies, and socially conscious lyrics that often address issues of identity, politics, and cultural heritage. This genre has gained popularity in recent years thanks to the success of several talented bands that have emerged from Panama's thriving music scene. These bands have helped to put Panamanian rock music on the map, both at home and abroad, and have inspired a new generation of musicians to explore this exciting and dynamic genre.

Most popular panamanian rock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Panamanian Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 56
2024 4
2023 18
2022 7
2021 7
2020 20
2010s 72
2019 9
2018 16
2017 16
2016 11
2015 5
2014 2
2013 4
2012 3
2011 3
2010 3
2000s 32
2009 6
2008 2
2007 3
2006 2
2005 2
2004 1
2003 6
2002 4
2001 1
2000 5
1990s 12
1999 3
1998 1
1997 1
1996 1
1995 2
1994 1
1993 1
1991 1
1990 1
1980s 3
1987 3
175 releases

Popular panamanian rock Songs

Top New panamanian rock Songs of 2024

panamanian rock music by decade

Explore panamanian rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of panamanian rock artists

Here is a list of panamanian rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the panamanian rock genre. You can find out what panamanian rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 35 18264
2 39 48229
3 45 84885
4 31 20799
5 27 6851
6 25 3206
7 21 6192
8 21 3199
9 24 13313
10 22 8899
11 26 2661
12 25 6244
13 10 2632
14 19 6175
15 7 3118
16 5 1040
17 13 1669
18 13 2126
19 13 2568
20 9 948
21 9 835
22 9 716
23 7 1867
24 6 262
25 5 255
26 4 691
27 4 829
28 4 1859
29 3 426
30 3 857
31 3 165
32 3 1414
33 3 712
34 3 513
35 3 173
36 2 776
37 2 3206
38 2 644
39 2 131
40 2 204
41 2 1994
42 2 729
43 2 894
44 1 333
45 1 303
46 1 195
47 1 233
48 1 804
49 1 370
50 1 828
51 1 337
52 1 364
53 1 464
54 1 278
55 1 347
56 1 426
57 1 147
58 1 256
59 1 291
60 1 282
61 1 173

panamanian rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular panamanian rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.