
Genre piano cover

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Piano cover music is a genre that features instrumental versions of popular songs, often played on a piano. Disney Peaceful Piano offers calming renditions of classic Disney tunes, while Piano Peace features soothing piano covers of popular songs across various genres. Flying Fingers showcases virtuosic piano performances of both classical and contemporary pieces. Overall, piano cover music provides a relaxing and enjoyable listening experience for fans of both the original songs and piano music. (AI Generated)

Most popular piano cover artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Piano Cover genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1247
2025 3
2024 155
2023 253
2022 304
2021 296
2020 236
2010s 521
2019 188
2018 112
2017 63
2016 30
2015 28
2014 32
2013 17
2012 25
2011 12
2010 14
2000s 22
2009 2
2008 6
2007 3
2006 2
2005 7
2003 2
1990s 3
1995 1
1994 2
1793 releases

piano cover playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular piano cover music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular piano cover Songs

Top New piano cover Songs of 2024

piano cover music by decade

Explore piano cover history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of piano cover artists

Here is a list of piano cover artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the piano cover genre. You can find out what piano cover genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 67 84624
2 63 28334
3 63 52326
4 48 2410
5 55 22835
6 53 3508
7 52 3232
8 52 5823
9 52 57837
10 42 949
11 43 2283
12 43 5496
13 51 5316
14 42 1208
15 49 3727
16 48 13352
17 48 425
18 48 10967
19 47 982
20 47 949
21 46 1092
22 46 1202
23 44 82634
24 44 900
25 44 1178
26 44 1600
27 44 2185
28 44 4532
29 44 1377
30 35 1923
31 43 8901
32 42 654
33 42 22742
34 42 855
35 42 1549
36 41 1277
37 41 1708
38 41 1094
39 41 4149
40 40 601
41 40 2035
42 40 3461
43 39 6316
44 39 91135
45 39 620
46 39 11548
47 39 263
48 39 489
49 39 320
50 39 1699
51 36 2164
52 38 438
53 38 1749
54 38 603
55 37 484
56 36 7357
57 37 39270
58 36 1292
59 29 483
60 37 2482
61 37 1835
62 37 33815
63 37 1994
64 36 41783
65 36 584
66 35 321
67 35 7215
68 35 8107
69 35 4105
70 35 12568
71 34 1373
72 34 585
73 34 1604
74 34 163
75 25 644
76 33 281
77 33 312
78 33 4194
79 33 498
80 32 2166
81 32 230
82 31 225
83 31 788
84 31 567
85 31 784
86 31 2582
87 30 78359
88 28 1342
89 30 383
90 30 1052
91 30 705
92 30 2501
93 29 7860
94 29 388
95 29 707
96 28 913
97 28 833
98 27 518
99 26 1211
100 25 4259