
Genre: pinoy alternative rap

Play genre

Parent Genre: Hip Hop

Pinoy alternative rap music is a sub-genre of Filipino hip-hop that features a fusion of different musical styles, including rock, R&B, and electronic music. It is characterized by its socially conscious lyrics, often tackling issues such as poverty, politics, and social inequality. The music is known for its unique sound, blending traditional Filipino instruments with modern beats and rhythms. The artists in this genre are known for their raw and honest approach to music, often using their platform to shed light on important issues affecting their country and their people.

Most popular pinoy alternative rap artists

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Popular pinoy alternative rap Songs

Top New pinoy alternative rap Songs of 2024

pinoy alternative rap music by decade

Explore pinoy alternative rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pinoy alternative rap artists

Here is a list of pinoy alternative rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pinoy alternative rap genre. You can find out what pinoy alternative rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 2250928
2 57 412082
3 47 131908
4 47 215328
5 55 337881
6 35 93359
7 41 549475
8 40 36012
9 33 87132
10 50 146902
11 36 55943
12 28 57463
13 38 36688
14 30 10428
15 32 45399
16 26 23730
17 23 4840
18 32 4811
19 23 11951
20 21 4741
21 12 27932
22 20 14095
23 20 7989
24 20 5437
25 19 3772
26 16 8740
27 13 4739
28 10 10189
29 9 8044
30 8 26278
31 37 1273
32 29 3510
33 15 345
34 14 285
35 6 1847
36 13 7785
37 12 2660
38 11 603
39 10 5773
40 8 174
41 8 1843
42 8 1607
43 6 1246
44 6 6564
45 6 885
46 6 599
47 6 500
48 3 2617
49 3 385
50 2 1866
51 2 444
52 2 320
53 2 429
54 2 558
55 1 62
56 1 2929

pinoy alternative rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pinoy alternative rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.