
Genre: pinoy r&b

Play genre

Parent Genre: R&B

Pinoy R&B is a popular music genre in the Philippines that combines elements of rhythm and blues with Filipino musical influences. It is characterized by smooth and soulful vocals, melodic hooks, and contemporary beats. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with several up-and-coming artists making waves in the music scene. The songs often touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and personal growth, making them relatable to a wide audience.

Most popular pinoy r&b artists

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Popular pinoy r&b Songs

Top New pinoy r&b Songs of 2024

pinoy r&b music by decade

Explore pinoy r&b history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pinoy r&b artists

Here is a list of pinoy r&b artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pinoy r&b genre. You can find out what pinoy r&b genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 655890
2 69 2286725
3 72 2159578
4 47 132024
5 47 215713
6 52 823037
7 57 414459
8 63 1754432
9 51 746441
10 55 150887
11 58 2650246
12 35 93472
13 39 25780
14 36 6747
15 34 14224
16 55 113648
17 38 36692
18 28 7952
19 55 508160
20 27 5072
21 30 10428
22 22 5526
23 28 36888
24 55 337072
25 50 534441
26 50 217171
27 51 302538
28 11 1502
29 11 5052
30 40 18662
31 32 88537
32 48 246510
33 60 104358
34 6 5311
35 38 120102
36 12 27932
37 20 40414
38 27 5330
39 35 15167
40 47 25021
41 36 25697
42 27 33612
43 42 35262
44 41 55510
45 19 12892
46 41 19367
47 12 1823
48 35 63758
49 29 27433
50 8 3704
51 29 63658
52 29 7631
53 28 24142
54 21 5800
55 26 5840
56 26 7502
57 19 37471
58 23 3939
59 22 5975
60 21 3861
61 20 14758
62 18 23167
63 16 573
64 13 482
65 13 1642
66 12 5497
67 9 1444
68 9 1356
69 9 715
70 8 1379
71 7 390
72 6 1164
73 6 112
74 6 1599
75 5 550
76 4 1858
77 3 495
78 1 804
79 1 224
80 1 871
81 1 16849
82 1 393

pinoy r&b playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pinoy r&b music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.