
Genre pinoy rock

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Pinoy rock music is a popular genre in the Philippines that combines elements of rock, pop, and alternative music. It is characterized by its catchy melodies, relatable lyrics, and energetic performances. The genre has produced some of the most iconic bands in the country's music history, with a distinct sound that has captured the hearts of many Filipinos. Its influence can be heard in the music of many contemporary artists today. (AI Generated)

Most popular pinoy rock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Pinoy Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 631
2025 1
2024 79
2023 139
2022 119
2021 141
2020 152
2010s 921
2019 201
2018 174
2017 117
2016 66
2015 74
2014 63
2013 47
2012 69
2011 48
2010 62
2000s 716
2009 103
2008 112
2007 76
2006 104
2005 69
2004 59
2003 45
2002 79
2001 42
2000 27
1990s 241
1999 28
1998 22
1997 44
1996 30
1995 35
1994 26
1993 14
1992 20
1991 13
1990 9
1980s 40
1989 7
1988 4
1987 8
1986 1
1985 5
1984 5
1983 1
1982 5
1981 1
1980 3
1970s 15
1979 1
1978 4
1977 1
1974 1
1971 6
1970 2
1960s 1
1964 1
2565 releases

pinoy rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pinoy rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular pinoy rock Songs

Top New pinoy rock Songs of 2024

pinoy rock music by decade

Explore pinoy rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pinoy rock artists

Here is a list of pinoy rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pinoy rock genre. You can find out what pinoy rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 6780743
2 65 1409347
3 63 2227766
4 61 1028068
5 53 231264
6 67 5355591
7 64 4607361
8 57 1754684
9 45 57917
10 67 3916349
11 57 992902
12 55 1183151
13 51 456009
14 56 1053010
15 50 449721
16 64 1199155
17 60 2192522
18 60 1268790
19 59 1836064
20 56 1830398
21 56 1557313
22 45 62571
23 55 1174557
24 55 1948016
25 54 1449923
26 54 2648462
27 53 597399
28 52 992327
29 48 565729
30 47 70608
31 46 137064
32 48 308734
33 45 159766
34 49 251089
35 41 139838
36 46 19461
37 38 10205
38 62 1685544
39 51 406935
40 47 892373
41 52 221335
42 56 1073580
43 57 429936
44 54 258548
45 54 624397
46 50 37782
47 42 176293
48 38 97852
49 49 869495
50 46 36329
51 45 171506
52 43 68286
53 53 1206578
54 41 20290
55 37 312578
56 51 140741
57 38 39717
58 50 52620
59 49 263069
60 47 49187
61 45 424351
62 43 168618
63 43 75448
64 42 125102
65 42 70130
66 38 48032
67 53 275378
68 44 218590
69 41 49874
70 40 42626
71 46 44937
72 38 8295
73 45 144737
74 43 59920
75 43 87115
76 42 39699
77 39 73714
78 42 41180
79 40 86467
80 40 12252
81 46 132931
82 46 174477
83 46 285336
84 40 30425
85 50 149756
86 41 166809
87 45 222283
88 39 110138
89 38 485602
90 41 48123
91 41 94200
92 39 24732
93 40 36274
94 43 218796
95 40 214789
96 38 81922
97 43 73432
98 51 144531
99 51 248415
100 49 14141