
Genre: plug brasileiro

Play genre

Plug brasileiro is a subgenre of Brazilian rap that emerged in the early 2010s. It is characterized by its aggressive and raw sound, often featuring distorted beats and lyrics that touch on themes of violence, drugs, and street life. The style is heavily influenced by American trap music, but with a distinct Brazilian flavor. Plug brasileiro has gained a large following in recent years, particularly among young people in urban areas.

Most popular plug brasileiro artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Plug Brasileiro genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 515
2024 50
2023 112
2022 155
2021 117
2020 81
2010s 84
2019 39
2018 28
2017 15
2016 2
2000s 1
2008 1
600 releases

Popular plug brasileiro Songs

Top New plug brasileiro Songs of 2024

plug brasileiro music by decade

Explore plug brasileiro history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of plug brasileiro artists

Here is a list of plug brasileiro artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the plug brasileiro genre. You can find out what plug brasileiro genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 64 492698
2 55 76514
3 41 27442
4 37 48918
5 36 24906
6 40 48295
7 42 24399
8 41 46070
9 56 433839
10 35 8027
11 49 445168
12 51 73985
13 56 191982
14 50 37708
15 53 18691
16 47 33355
17 33 20480
18 32 11697
19 51 47714
20 31 15200
21 25 5622
22 30 5250
23 47 48639
24 40 8781
25 26 3887
26 26 6950
27 44 13675
28 44 34094
29 38 13096
30 43 16867
31 43 35634
32 36 12934
33 39 66238
34 19 4383
35 40 43141
36 40 12682
37 39 22540
38 39 16550
39 37 3746
40 36 58727
41 34 4893
42 34 6401
43 33 13070
44 33 6442
45 30 29001
46 33 4553
47 30 18517
48 32 13901
49 32 9802
50 31 21186
51 12 3424
52 12 2607
53 30 5251
54 29 11542
55 28 3796
56 28 1354
57 28 2924
58 22 4512
59 24 3201
60 27 5345
61 26 4123
62 26 668
63 25 689
64 24 1389
65 24 5715
66 24 4205
67 23 2857
68 23 2784
69 22 3463
70 22 2423
71 20 6342
72 19 4800
73 19 3967
74 18 1250
75 18 841
76 17 2772
77 11 832
78 16 424
79 15 2726
80 15 1548
81 14 1437
82 14 4095
83 13 1660
84 13 2268
85 12 1910
86 11 666
87 10 672
88 9 3093
89 9 1243
90 8 1056
91 8 1133
92 3 1286
93 7 2566
94 5 922
95 6 387
96 6 1281
97 6 510
98 6 1410
99 5 2026
100 4 1067

plug brasileiro playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular plug brasileiro music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.