
Genre: polish old school hip hop

Play genre

Polish old school hip hop is a genre of music that emerged in the 1990s and is characterized by its raw, gritty sound and socially conscious lyrics. The genre often addresses issues such as poverty, inequality, and political corruption, and is known for its use of sampling and scratching techniques. The music is typically performed in Polish and features a mix of traditional hip hop beats and electronic elements. The genre has a dedicated following in Poland and has influenced the development of contemporary Polish hip hop.

Most popular polish old school hip hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Polish Old School Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 18
2023 7
2022 2
2021 3
2020 6
2010s 57
2018 8
2017 2
2016 5
2015 11
2014 14
2013 3
2012 7
2011 7
2000s 65
2009 5
2008 5
2007 4
2006 8
2005 3
2004 9
2003 6
2002 6
2001 9
2000 10
1990s 8
1999 2
1998 3
1996 1
1995 2
148 releases

Popular polish old school hip hop Songs

Top New polish old school hip hop Songs of 2024

polish old school hip hop music by decade

Explore polish old school hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of polish old school hip hop artists

Here is a list of polish old school hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the polish old school hip hop genre. You can find out what polish old school hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 354764
2 48 93174
3 50 154195
4 48 96410
5 47 110851
6 45 202721
7 46 142178
8 38 32871
9 44 75738
10 42 105044
11 41 5563
12 40 72482
13 40 46755
14 38 39653
15 38 11151
16 38 26625
17 37 74293
18 36 27296
19 36 80403
20 35 29042
21 35 23115
22 27 4036
23 26 6400
24 33 28163
25 28 34746
26 30 21918
27 30 16052
28 30 20666
29 29 5018
30 28 2508
31 25 41075
32 16 3461
33 13 12996
34 38 15389
35 42 1891
36 36 10565
37 26 1852
38 32 20671
39 27 1900
40 27 15116
41 25 5898
42 26 6940
43 23 866
44 25 2764
45 23 2038
46 16 1317
47 22 2141
48 20 626
49 16 294
50 15 3202
51 15 3203
52 14 135
53 13 287
54 12 289
55 11 1177
56 11 439
57 11 1194
58 10 57
59 10 741
60 10 1048
61 9 868
62 8 1188
63 8 344
64 7 6561
65 7 791
66 6 226
67 6 198
68 3 980
69 4 203
70 3 708
71 3 544
72 3 104
73 1 1074
74 1 43
75 1 94

polish old school hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular polish old school hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.