
Genre: pop boliviano

Play genre

Pop boliviano music is a genre of popular music originating from Bolivia that combines elements of traditional Bolivian music with modern pop influences. It often features catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and lyrics that reflect the culture and traditions of Bolivia. Artists in this genre may incorporate traditional instruments and styles into their music, creating a unique sound that appeals to a wide audience both in Bolivia and internationally. (AI Generated)

Most popular pop boliviano artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Pop Boliviano genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 306
2024 38
2023 85
2022 83
2021 57
2020 43
2010s 57
2019 20
2018 11
2017 3
2016 14
2015 4
2014 1
2013 1
2012 2
2011 1
363 releases

Popular pop boliviano Songs

Top New pop boliviano Songs of 2024

pop boliviano music by decade

Explore pop boliviano history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pop boliviano artists

Here is a list of pop boliviano artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pop boliviano genre. You can find out what pop boliviano genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 53 62456
2 46 26928
3 49 30654
4 40 72167
5 39 10617
6 34 17906
7 37 16815
8 38 7201
9 31 10069
10 37 5474
11 21 9690
12 33 3985
13 17 4228
14 29 11782
15 25 2581
16 21 3387
17 20 1684
18 13 1156
19 26 3134
20 25 2238
21 23 2129
22 22 773
23 15 1309
24 22 5964
25 20 1203
26 19 590
27 19 1345
28 18 726
29 17 9029
30 10 933
31 9 640
32 16 3259
33 17 2261
34 16 698
35 16 18032
36 8 605
37 15 442
38 14 2115
39 7 439
40 5 339
41 6 454
42 12 494
43 4 487
44 4 548
45 11 1847
46 10 3173
47 10 696
48 10 205
49 10 1355
50 1 406
51 9 358
52 9 726
53 9 502
54 9 232
55 8 307
56 1 154
57 8 2403
58 8 1077
59 7 436
60 7 893
61 7 180
62 7 226
63 6 543
64 5 1659
65 5 164
66 5 686
67 5 2253
68 5 59
69 5 820
70 4 403
71 5 407
72 4 180
73 4 660
74 4 48
75 3 81
76 3 10600
77 3 931
78 3 270
79 3 942
80 3 298
81 2 158
82 1 101
83 2 162
84 2 562
85 2 354
86 2 176
87 2 210
88 1 1154
89 1 256
90 1 203
91 1 137
92 1 156
93 1 52
94 1 136
95 1 1534
96 1 116
97 1 129
98 1 390
99 1 622
100 1 144

pop boliviano playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pop boliviano music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.