
Genre pop country

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Pop country music is a genre that blends the catchy melodies and production techniques of pop music with the storytelling and traditional instruments of country. Known for its polished sound, it often features themes of love, heartache, and small-town life, appealing to a wide audience with its relatable lyrics and upbeat rhythms. Its fusion of styles makes it a versatile genre that continues to evolve, attracting fans from both the pop and country music worlds. (AI Generated)

Most popular pop country artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Pop Country genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 600
2025 3
2024 123
2023 143
2022 115
2021 107
2020 109
2010s 381
2019 106
2018 67
2017 61
2016 46
2015 42
2014 29
2013 16
2012 4
2011 3
2010 7
2000s 9
2009 3
2008 5
2007 1
990 releases

pop country playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pop country music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular pop country Songs

Top New pop country Songs of 2024

pop country music by decade

Explore pop country history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pop country artists

Here is a list of pop country artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pop country genre. You can find out what pop country genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 73 4825493
2 74 5607324
3 71 5500108
4 67 2383182
5 66 3711946
6 54 190727
7 45 35731
8 48 80176
9 47 61486
10 44 42791
11 34 59720
12 37 21981
13 34 24513
14 31 24489
15 41 8396
16 47 35919
17 29 11770
18 28 23109
19 44 120982
20 42 18836
21 43 50091
22 43 34419
23 23 22824
24 22 4684
25 33 18480
26 35 34526
27 38 32586
28 36 14609
29 36 80
30 35 37539
31 28 6647
32 33 14975
33 33 39752
34 32 40751
35 32 16017
36 31 8478
37 29 17100
38 29 31019
39 28 24809
40 26 13680
41 26 4752
42 24 13574
43 24 8353
44 24 13485
45 24 15528
46 24 25778
47 23 1879
48 23 12666
49 23 12455
50 23 5285
51 22 20579
52 18 9809
53 19 13082
54 18 4435
55 20 5963
56 18 1814
57 18 13300
58 17 13666
59 16 8050
60 14 16155
61 10 2205
62 13 12114
63 13 2966
64 12 9951
65 8 3282
66 12 2066
67 12 5056
68 12 3298
69 12 2797
70 7 2930
71 11 7096
72 10 46
73 10 4016
74 10 7998
75 9 7556
76 9 1931
77 9 8727
78 3 465
79 9 8816
80 8 5283
81 8 1947
82 8 956
83 8 4984
84 7 295
85 6 3833
86 5 229
87 5 7318
88 5 1024
89 5 2860
90 4 218
91 4 445
92 4 1978
93 4 322
94 3 241
95 3 684
96 3 311
97 2 922
98 2 56
99 2 1206
100 2 998