
Genre pop urbaine

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Pop urbaine is a French music genre that blends elements of pop and urban music. It is characterized by its catchy melodies, electronic beats, and lyrics that often touch on themes of love, relationships, and the struggles of everyday life. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many artists incorporating elements of rap and hip-hop into their music. The genre has a strong following among young people in France and has produced several successful artists. (AI Generated)

Most popular pop urbaine artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Pop Urbaine genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 4193
2025 16
2024 718
2023 1059
2022 813
2021 769
2020 818
2010s 2237
2019 676
2018 562
2017 418
2016 217
2015 132
2014 60
2013 56
2012 58
2011 32
2010 26
2000s 93
2009 22
2008 22
2007 12
2006 11
2005 6
2004 10
2003 2
2002 2
2001 4
2000 2
1990s 4
1999 4
6527 releases

pop urbaine playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pop urbaine music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular pop urbaine Songs

Top New pop urbaine Songs of 2024

pop urbaine music by decade

Explore pop urbaine history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pop urbaine artists

Here is a list of pop urbaine artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pop urbaine genre. You can find out what pop urbaine genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 1328408
2 58 205638
3 64 2411791
4 68 2848350
5 59 221180
6 74 1784840
7 60 418344
8 62 1070377
9 58 1024725
10 59 1693923
11 58 701700
12 61 700209
13 58 312361
14 57 2119437
15 79 5612364
16 62 838585
17 71 3245456
18 80 11021937
19 55 1422718
20 55 721608
21 60 664212
22 78 10902318
23 72 7063447
24 58 490310
25 75 3558083
26 63 790578
27 75 1633351
28 74 5321430
29 73 2491663
30 73 2738851
31 63 3611364
32 72 5803437
33 72 3293569
34 72 9152341
35 66 794580
36 71 1480521
37 71 2221177
38 71 3185405
39 66 877087
40 61 1436911
41 67 3394267
42 61 46390
43 69 5838052
44 68 2718963
45 68 1263941
46 60 290361
47 68 5143590
48 67 2950349
49 67 2067838
50 60 1398965
51 62 1369180
52 66 3814631
53 65 1306105
54 65 1993785
55 62 1298627
56 65 1656072
57 65 701962
58 65 1567291
59 65 1750035
60 56 727791
61 64 981306
62 64 2512549
63 63 113493
64 62 578809
65 62 1278220
66 62 1698118
67 58 1413106
68 62 695056
69 61 1909908
70 61 371219
71 60 1919818
72 60 63659
73 56 77526
74 60 1231075
75 60 1322602
76 60 119502
77 60 2062674
78 55 1560678
79 59 52866
80 55 752978
81 59 842799
82 59 1295097
83 59 1778345
84 58 1461446
85 58 931931
86 58 310889
87 57 669978
88 57 843477
89 55 429257
90 57 479770
91 56 387571
92 56 261888
93 56 1661975
94 56 538239
95 56 389194
96 55 250048
97 55 1926724
98 55 93713
99 54 661235
100 54 402558