
Genre: pov: indie

Play genre

POV: Indie music is a genre that encompasses a wide range of styles and sounds, often characterized by its DIY approach and non-commercial appeal. It is typically produced independently of major record labels and is often associated with underground or alternative music scenes. The music is often characterized by its unique sound, experimental approach, and raw, emotional lyrics. It has a dedicated following of fans who appreciate its authenticity and independent spirit. (AI Generated)

Most popular pov: indie artists

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Parent Genre: pop

Related genres

Instruments used

Bass Guitar, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Pov: Indie genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2775
2024 566
2023 627
2022 572
2021 508
2020 502
2010s 1792
2019 389
2018 365
2017 295
2016 170
2015 150
2014 132
2013 101
2012 88
2011 48
2010 54
2000s 108
2009 30
2008 31
2007 12
2006 16
2005 12
2004 2
2003 1
2002 1
2000 3
1990s 3
1998 2
1997 1
4678 releases

Popular pov: indie Songs

Top New pov: indie Songs of 2024

pov: indie music by decade

Explore pov: indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of pov: indie artists

Here is a list of pov: indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the pov: indie genre. You can find out what pov: indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 76 7590294
2 82 25050966
3 84 8370013
4 69 822336
5 77 2710723
6 65 963433
7 75 4386567
8 65 1651859
9 69 1049727
10 69 2158585
11 61 736062
12 65 1318449
13 63 1181654
14 74 5367657
15 78 11055128
16 68 2499169
17 84 3812997
18 70 2150698
19 56 489127
20 81 9825409
21 67 1668436
22 82 9442118
23 71 5818252
24 64 1250129
25 67 663675
26 69 2812923
27 60 751596
28 76 2825108
29 58 1054827
30 65 999698
31 74 5201027
32 76 1998916
33 69 4442582
34 67 1500386
35 74 2408283
36 61 237220
37 62 585052
38 71 4305704
39 60 842674
40 70 901407
41 71 1272978
42 59 297333
43 71 1537960
44 70 1058971
45 69 569963
46 58 273663
47 68 1082714
48 56 645583
49 71 3528524
50 55 428443
51 69 1263731
52 69 1012271
53 60 1186487
54 66 540442
55 69 1236384
56 69 793475
57 64 1217542
58 54 376026
59 64 2067208
60 60 715342
61 59 1084163
62 66 549226
63 65 736114
64 66 1090730
65 63 483011
66 65 1044572
67 56 469120
68 60 1031935
69 62 322685
70 63 919145
71 61 844049
72 54 501519
73 62 505974
74 59 336683
75 56 1150986
76 54 181569
77 61 386056
78 57 303208
79 61 611898
80 59 2079765
81 60 216328
82 54 434714
83 59 552644
84 58 209496
85 53 176694
86 57 523070
87 57 320510
88 58 661824
89 58 533622
90 57 314162
91 56 403700
92 55 362381
93 55 303271
94 54 166877
95 54 313564
96 54 199653
97 54 214096
98 54 237221
99 54 724463
100 53 552831

pov: indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular pov: indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.