
Genre: praise

Play genre

Praise music is a genre that is characterized by its uplifting and spiritual themes. It often features powerful vocals and a blend of gospel, soul, and R&B influences. The genre is known for its ability to inspire and encourage listeners, with lyrics that celebrate faith, hope, and love. Some of the key elements of praise music include dynamic instrumentation, catchy melodies, and heartfelt performances. Artists in this genre often have a strong connection to their faith and use their music as a way to express their beliefs and share their message with the world.

Most popular praise artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Praise genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 100
2024 6
2023 33
2022 28
2021 13
2020 20
2010s 237
2019 18
2018 24
2017 22
2016 21
2015 21
2014 23
2013 25
2012 27
2011 27
2010 29
2000s 217
2009 25
2008 28
2007 37
2006 29
2005 20
2004 21
2003 21
2002 13
2001 10
2000 13
1990s 127
1999 24
1998 14
1997 13
1996 11
1995 16
1994 12
1993 9
1992 12
1991 6
1990 10
1980s 32
1989 4
1988 4
1987 6
1986 3
1985 2
1984 1
1983 5
1982 1
1981 2
1980 4
1970s 10
1978 1
1977 1
1976 1
1975 2
1973 2
1972 2
1971 1
1960s 8
1969 1
1966 1
1965 1
1964 3
1963 1
1960 1
1950s 1
1951 1
732 releases

Popular praise Songs

Top New praise Songs of 2024

praise music by decade

Explore praise history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of praise artists

Here is a list of praise artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the praise genre. You can find out what praise genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 456438
2 49 192558
3 40 122176
4 41 314803
5 41 158893
6 40 190614
7 39 48526
8 39 44114
9 38 62892
10 38 92390
11 37 76232
12 37 51605
13 36 118968
14 36 78838
15 35 84834
16 53 656119
17 32 50605
18 32 73765
19 31 63494
20 31 73146
21 28 40903
22 27 27488
23 26 62068
24 48 7281
25 46 15159
26 43 7183
27 43 34503
28 42 23580
29 41 15871
30 33 23230
31 40 32711
32 37 1038
33 37 34291
34 36 8500
35 30 7953
36 33 2599
37 33 11473
38 33 17129
39 32 7283
40 30 16364
41 32 5821
42 31 6915
43 31 16067
44 31 5465
45 31 5116
46 30 5658
47 30 44620
48 30 25623
49 29 45109
50 29 2903
51 29 16949
52 21 15974
53 21 8209
54 28 43014
55 28 286
56 28 24240
57 28 334
58 28 13297
59 27 5159
60 20 12882
61 20 19174
62 20 6853
63 19 17042
64 26 39489
65 26 2609
66 26 15075
67 26 3222
68 25 14131
69 25 33990
70 25 15295
71 25 22806
72 25 18676
73 25 35599
74 24 20293
75 24 4925
76 24 1661
77 24 1259
78 24 9925
79 24 18686
80 24 644
81 24 17147
82 23 7069
83 23 16424
84 23 11140
85 23 24573
86 23 6131
87 21 3270
88 22 27686
89 21 9872
90 21 9062
91 21 8152
92 21 10221
93 21 2361
94 20 16832
95 20 3331
96 20 13694
97 20 28962
98 20 9580
99 19 991
100 19 2262

praise playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular praise music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.